  • 學位論文


Effectiveness and Risk Communication Suggestion of Extreme High Temperature Early Warning System in Taipei Metropolitan Area.

指導教授 : 王玉純


為因應氣候變遷增加極端氣溫發生的衝擊,自2015年針對大臺北都會區架設極端氣溫預警系統 (Short-term early-warning system),系統自動取得中央氣象局氣象預報資訊並公告在網頁中。當溫度緊急危害風險出現時,自動送電子郵件至參與系統之民眾,提供其未來極端溫度之自我居家調適建議。本研究透過不記名自主參加的問卷調查(樣本數122份),了解民眾對極端氣溫風險認知觀念、社會價值影響、行動意願與實質行為。並且利用受測者的基本資料了解其對於氣候變遷極端氣溫的認知、脆弱度與敏感度、調適意願是否有所影響。 經分析發現,女性無論是觀念、行為意願與實質行動都較男性正面;且年收入通常不會對民眾觀念、意願、實質行動有所影響。大臺北都會地區民眾對於氣候變遷極端氣溫的認知有矛盾之處,例如:認為自身有能力減緩氣候變遷,卻認為一定要由政府進行相關對應措施、對氣候變遷議題了解、態度正面卻覺得資訊不足。 本研究鑑別出大台北地區居民在面對氣候變遷與極端氣溫的各項特質,建議本國政府在訂定極端溫度風險溝通時應該要由脆弱族群之特質、觀念、社會觀,及其實質行動等面向進行,以提升整體社會對抗極端溫度的健康衝擊。


This study, to prevent the health impact of extreme temperatures, operated a real-time early-warning system for extreme temperatures in Taipei Metropolitan since 2015. The health risk and vulnerable subgroups associated with extreme temperatures were identified and set as potential targets of early-warning system. The system automatically imports the county-specific 24-hour weather forecast information from Central Weather Bureau and posts it on the homepage of the system. The participants will receive the warning message enclosed with general self-adaptation advices when the system detects the forecasting temperatures would exceed the thresholds temperatures of health risks. This study collected 122 anonymous questionnaires from the system users. The questionnaire contains questions to understand the characteristics and social conditions of subjects, their cognition, attitude and behavior intention to climate change and extreme temperature issues, knowledge of sensitivity and vulnerability of climate change. This study investigated that female has more positive attitude, subjective and intention than male, and the annual income has no significant effect to the issue. Controversial answer were exisited in users of Taipei metropolitan area, such as “are capable to adapt the extreme temperatures by their living habits but still expect the policy and acts by authority” and “understand the conditions of climate change and extreme temperature issues but lack of information”. In summary, authority should improve and provide information and various risk communications to different vulnerable subgroups to enhance their knowledge, congnition, attitude and behavior to adapt the health impacts of extreme temperatures.


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