  • 學位論文

光之容器 聖家堂空間中光的情境設計

Container of Light : The Design of Taipei Holy Family Church

指導教授 : 黃承令


論文摘要 從視覺傳達的角度來思考「光」在建築空間中的涵意,不難發現建築空間的形式經由光影的變化,而詮釋整個建築空間的架構。換言之,光在建築空間的呈現上可視為一捕捉光的機器,表達光的時間性、表達光給空間的效果,及其所欲傳遞的意涵。 在建築的發展歷程中,早在古埃及時期,人類就懂得如何利用「光」此一自然現象,來做為空間形式呈現的手法,乃至現今二十一世紀的部分建築個案中,仍然可以發現不少的作品在詮釋「光」這一自然特性的現象。將『光』定位為一種越過表象的深層意蘊,其所扮演的角色具有象徵意義,在各種不同的情境下,賦予不同的詮釋,甚至指涉出形而上的寓意。 本設計論文操作方式可分為兩個步驟: 1.光之理論探索:將光的論述聚焦於宗教的範圍內,探討光所賦予空間的神格意涵,並以視覺效果、心理效應等精神層次為主。 2.設計操作與實踐:藉由台北聖家堂的空間為主架構,進行一連串的光之情境設計。 期盼就光在教堂中的啟示作一論述,闡述光所蘊含之神聖涵意,其中包括了光的沉思、歡樂、戲劇性、隱喻、象徵性等向度的探討,從而由此了解其光的特性。並且以聖家堂為論述的檢視案例,探求光於教堂建築發展中所扮演的角色、意義與功能等,分析影響光表現的影響因素,進而理解建築與光的演變關係,以及闡明光對建築的重要性。歸納光於建築空間與形式表現之類型,並以自然與建築的對應轉化關係,作為未來循求設計思考的創新途徑與架構的建立。 有鑑於此,「光」此一方向是值得深入探討的課題,以『自然光』的陳述為主,觀察光線隨著時節、氣候變化的流動性,詮釋空間所紀錄的自然光 ; 而另一方面,則是描述光線穿透或穿過各種介質,所產生的空間感,如:水氣、玻璃窗、樹叢、、、等,而這樣的空間情境,配合事件的發生,使『光』有了新的地位。此外,以光所呈現的空間感及凝聚力,包括光所產生的遠近、主從等關係,將光的力度,配以建築的空間場域,相得益彰地構成建築主體。 並且以台北聖家堂作為設計光的依據,試圖重新思索教堂空間中光的情境設計,在天主教思想的架構下,尋找光在聖家堂的定位。 總的來說,本設計論文主要是在建立「光」在教堂建築領域的基本理論,並且藉以容器設計的角度來釐清各種光的情境觀念。以及光所呈現的空間型態,及其所塑造的空間場域;並建議後續發展的方向。



Thesis Abstract From the angle of visual communication to explore the meaning of light in architectural space, it is not hard to find out people use the change of light and shadow to interpret the whole architectural space and structure. In other words, architectural space can be esteemed as a mechanism to catch light, to express light at different times, to show the effects created by light and the meaning it wants to present. In the history of architectural development, from as early as the ancient Egyptian time, people knew how to use light as a natural phenomenon to present space. Today, we can still find some of the cases emphasize the expression of light as a natural phenomenon. We can also explore light from a deeper angle transcending the superficial aspects. Light then plays a symbolic role, providing different meanings under different circumstances, even the supernatural indication. We divide this design thesis into two steps: 1. The exploration of light and its theory: to focus on the religion arena and discuss how light gives space the divine meaning, concentrating on the spiritual side of visual communication and psychological effects. 2. Design operation and implementation: based on the space of Taipei Holy Family Church to design light in different situations. Through the exploration of light in churches, we try to explore the divine power of light, including the meditated, joyful, dramatic, metaphoric, and symbolic sides, and to understand the characteristics of light. We will take Taipei Holy Family Church as an example to explore the role of light in the church architectural development, its meaning and its functions. We will analyze the factors affecting light and study the interrelationship between architecture and light and emphasize the importance of light to architectures. We will categorize the forms of light in different architectural spaces. We will also study the interchanging relationship between nature and architecture to pursue future design innovation and design structures. Based on the above statement, we believe light is a worthy topic for deeper exploration. On the one side, from the angle of natural light, we observe how light change with seasons and climates and interpret the natural light recorded by architectural spaces. On the other side, we describe space and light through different materials, such as water, glass, woods, etc. With these space situations, we give light a new position. Furthermore, we study space effects created through light, including distance and priority. We study different forces of light accompanying space in architecture and how the complete architecture is constructed. We will also base on Taipei Holy Family Church's light design to reconsider the design of light in churches. Through the Catholic thought process, we look for the position of light in Taipei Holy Family Church. To summarize, this thesis is to establish the basic theory of the position of light in church architectures and through various design angles to clarify light in different situations. We explore space shown through light and created by light. Finally, we recommend the potential development directions when moving forward.




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