  • 學位論文


A Study on Usage Problem of Regular Classrooms in Elementary Schools Executing the “9-year Joint Curricula” Plan: Using Taipei City’s Type B Schools 1st and 2nd Grade as an Example

指導教授 : 莊修田


教育部為順應世界教育改革的思潮,重新省思教育的相關課題,故將1994年訂為「教育改革年」,正式開啟跨越世紀的教改工程。隨著九年一貫課程的施行,教育理念、教育方法、課程安排等教育本質跟著改變的同時,我們必須重新檢討教室空間所要傳達、轉譯與呈現的內容與型態,以符合新的教育變革。 構成學校建築空間的主要基本單位是普通教室,它也是低年級學童與級任教師在校生活中最主要的教學空間,更是學校建築中影響師生最深切的教學環境。實施九年一貫課程的國小低年級普通教室,就空間類型分為傳統式與開放式普通教室,因應不同的教學理念與教學目標,致使兩種教室空間構成型態有所分別。本研究個案中發現,傳統式與開放式普通教室空間因為形式與設備等條件的差異,所以在上課時段中,使用傳統式普通教室空間的教師們,因空間形式的單一、封閉,教師必須調整教學方法(避免使用大班或分組等教學方法),以迴避空間所帶來的侷限。在非上課時段,當科任教師於班級上課時,或教室空間開放給安親班的下午時段,由於辦公空間被侵入、干擾而面臨選擇留下或離去的狀況。因此,在空間型態單一、封閉,教學設備欠缺,相關配合設施(如:電源、視訊線路、遮光設施等)不足,阻礙了教師教學方法的運用與創新,更因未能提供教師團研究討論的空間,而無法促進教師的合作與交流。但對於擁有開放式教室空間的教師們,因為空間提供的多元與彈性,故於教學活動的規劃、設計,不會有空間方面的問題,而可將全部注意力集中在教學目標、活動進行等事項上。另外,在非上課的時段中,教師由於擁有兩個獨立的辦公區位,所以,可以在任何時段依自己的喜好與特質選擇適宜的辦公座位。雖然開放式教室空間未有傳統式普通教室空間類型等的基本使用問題,但在一些細節上,仍有需要改進的地方。 本研究結論依據普通教室使用問題與狀況的分析,從「機能」與「時間」的觀點探討過渡階段的舊教室再利用。並從「普通教室空間再定義」、「教師研究室的設置」與「普通教室空間規劃的原則」三個方向提出研究者對於普通教室規劃的建議,以做為有關單位建構未來普通教室空間型態的參考,藉此營造優質的國民教育環境。


To comply with the reform trend in worldwide education and reconsidering the relative education topics, the Ministry of Education chose 1994 as “ the year of education reform” and formally addressed education reform. Along with the enforcement of a “ 9-Year Joint Curricula Plan”, education issues including education concept, education method, curricula arrangement and so forth are changing. The content and pattern in classroom space is used , interpreted and displayed must be in compliance with education reform. The primary basic units comprising a schools architectural space are the regular classrooms, the main teaching space for 1st & 2nd grade students and homeroom teachers . This is the teaching environment that influences teachers and students most deeply among the school facilities . The regular 1st & 2nd grade classrooms in elementary schools can be classified into the traditional type and open type in view of the space. To meet different teaching concepts and teaching targets, these two types of classroom space are examined . Due to the variations in form, equipment and other conditions, this study found that the space in regular traditional and open classrooms is different. Teachers who use traditional regular classrooms should adjust their teaching methods (avoiding using big-class or group-separation teaching methods) because the space is limited and closed. The limitations of space can be modified . During non-class periods, i.e. when the classroom space is open to after-class students in the afternoon, the working space is congested . The space pattern is simple, closed, lack of teaching aids, insufficient relative coordinating facilities (such as power, telecommunication route, shading facilities, etc.). As a result, teachers are creatively limited in their teaching methods. Furthermore, teacher groups have limited or no research & discussion space. Cooperation and exchange among teachers cannot be promoted. Teachers who have open type classroom space are more versatile and flexible, do not have space problems when they plan and design teaching activities. These teachers can concentrate on their teaching goals and activities . During non-class periods, these teachers have two independent working areas so they can choose an appropriate work area according to their needs . The conclusion of this study is based on an analysis of problems involving the design and space limitations imposed by traditional classroom design. The design and space distribution in classrooms must be re-defined , “ teacher study rooms must be established” and “ the space planning principles for regular classrooms restructured ”. This study proposes suggestions for improving the planning of regular classrooms as a reference for classroom design in the future. It is hoped that a quality environment for the education of our future citizens will result.


中華民國學校建築研究學會 主編


呂俊儀(2004)。校園中歷史性建築教學空間使用及課題之探討 —以台北市國民小學為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400581
