  • 學位論文


A Study of the Development of Sharing Mode in Online Annotation Platform to Support Scaffolding

指導教授 : 饒培倫


鷹架是「一種幫助小孩或生手去解決超乎它們能力之外的問題,以幫助個體知識之建構,並促使其不斷學習和進步的過程」。因此,鷹架理論近年來教育研究者最關注的議題之一。閱讀是學習過程中相當重要的一部分,並透過畫線、做筆記摘要的方式來輔助記憶、思考和理解文章的內容。因此,本研究旨在開發一個線上註記分享平台以提供鷹架閱讀的輔助工具,並進行實驗來測試使用者的閱讀成效為何。   本研究的實驗從錦興國民小學徵求20位參與實驗的受測者。本實驗的自變數為鷹架式閱讀教學策略,依變數為短期閱讀成果、長期閱讀效果、學習歷程和使用者滿意度,調節變數為語文科成績。本實驗使用一篇國一課文中之論說文當作實驗文章。將受測者分為非同步示範教學組和同步互動組兩組實驗組,且皆使用線上註記分享系統。非同步示範教學組可觀看主測者對實驗文章之註記來進行自己的閱讀和註記;同步互動組除了可觀看主測者對文章之註記,並可在線上與主測者進行即時的教學與討論來進行自己的閱讀和註記。兩組受測者進行實驗後均立即接受閱讀測驗,並且在五天後回來複習三分鐘再進行第二次之閱讀測驗。本實驗得到的結論如下: (1) 在不同之鷹架閱讀教學策略下,同步式一對一互動教學法會比非同步示範教學法在短期閱讀效果之成績來得高。 (2) 經過五天並給受測者複習三分鐘後,同步式一對一互動教學法會與非同步示範教學法在長期閱讀效果之成績沒有顯著差異。 (3) 使用不同之鷹架閱讀教學策略之兩組受測者,在系統的使用者滿意度並沒有顯著的差異。


閱讀學習 鷹架 社會建構 註記


Education researchers pay close attention to scaffolding theory in few years. Reading is a very important process in learning. While reading literary works, learners underline texts, take notes, and summarized to help remembering, thinking, and comprehending. The purpose of the study is to develop a sharing mode in On-Line-Annotation-Platform (OLAP) and to assist reading by designing support tools. Twenty volunteers study in Chin-Hsin elementary school. The independent variable was scaffolding reading instruction strategy. The dependent variables were reading performance in short-term and long, leaning process, and users’ satisfaction. The covariant variable was language ability. There was one article from junior high school textbook used in the experiment. Participants were divided into two groups. The first group was asked to utilize the Sharing OLAP with instructor’ annotation results. The second group was asked to utilize the Sharing OLAP and discuss with an online instructor. Reading tests were given after the reading tasks. Five days later, participants could review texts and notes for three minutes and took the same reading tests again. The results were summarized in the following. (1) There was significant difference in short-term reading comprehension between participants of asynchronous scaffolding representative and synchronize one-to-one interactive scaffolding. (2) There was no significant difference in logn-term reading comprehension between participants of asynchronous scaffolding representative and synchronize one-to-one interactive scaffolding. (3) There is no significant difference between users’ satisfaction in the participants asynchronous and synchronize to look instructor’s annotation result.


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