  • 學位論文


A Research on the progress of standardization of official house during the Japanese Governance (1895-1922)

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


論文摘要 臺灣受於日本統治時期這段期間(1895-1945年),在日人統治臺灣期間所興建的住宅是殖民者的一種生活文化表徵。這些住居空間包含了「官舍、軍營、家屋、社宅、移民村」等。透過使用者的不同身份背景,住在各種不同的住宅裡所象徵的則是殖民地社會各階層不同文化縮影。在這些住宅類型當中又以「官舍」與殖民統治者的關係最為密切。官舍在日本內地原為一種政府所配給的「職階住宅」,具有象徵政府的官吏形象與地位身份。從1896(明治29)年臺灣總督府開始興建第一批官舍,就以官吏的職階作為官舍種類與分配為原則。直到1922(大正11)年臺灣總督府官舍建築標準化公佈之後,這樣的官舍等級制度正式進入另一個里程碑。 在這樣的前提下本研究認為日治時期臺灣總督府官舍標準化與官吏制度等級的關係是密切不可分的。其研究的重點與範圍分為下列三個階段: 1.探討殖民母國官舍制度與殖民地臺灣總督府官舍制度之間的的發展過程。並以1895至1922(明 治28至大正11)年所公佈的官舍制度,探討官吏階級與官舍空間的關係。 2.探討「官舍建築原型」的形成與型態種類的建立。並分別以「高等官」與「判任官」的官舍空間特徵作為討論的重點。其中高等官官舍的建築型式分別以「洋館」與「和洋併置、「和洋折衷」作為主要的建築型式;判任官則是以「和館」型式為主。以這兩種官階的官舍探討其空間特色。 3.探討官舍配置與臺北城都市空間區位關係,了解一個殖民地化的都市空間中「職舍關係」是如何的被建立。


和館 高等官 判任官 和洋併置 和洋折衷 洋館


Introduction The houses built during Japanese Governance in Taiwan are symbols of colonists’ life style and culture. The living spaces include “official residence”, “military camp”, “family house”, “residential house”, and “immigration village”. Through the different backgrounds of the users, we can identify that people who live in diversified houses represent their hierarchy and culture in the colonial society. Among those houses, the “official residence” shows the closely relation with the colonial governors. The official residence in Japan is originally a so-called “occupation and stratum house”, assigned by the Japanese government to the officers. It represents the image and position of the same in Japanese society. In 1896 (Meiji 29), the Taiwan Presidential Office built the first official residences and established the rules in distributing the different official residences according to the positions of the officers. In 1922 (Taishou 11), the Taiwan Presidential Office announced the standardization of constructions in official residences, and from that period of time, the ranking system of the official residences walked into another milestone. Based on the points mentioned above, this research concludes that during the period of Japanese colony, the relationship between the standardization of the official residence and officer’s ranking system is extraordinary close. This research is divided into three parts and here are the followings: 1. The research consists of the development about the official residence systems between the colonist’s mother country and Taiwan Presidential Office. According to the official residence systems announced during the period from 1895 to 1922 (From Meiji 29 to Taishou 11), this study analyzes the relationship between the officer ranks and the related spatial characteristics of the official residences. 2. The study investigates the formulation of architectural pattern in official residences. The analysis emphasizes on the spatial characteristics of the official residences between “Senior officers” (高等官) and “ Technical officers” (判任官). The architecture of official residences for the “Senior Officers” are essentially constructed in “ Western Type House”, “Joints of Japanese and Western Houses” and “Mixture of Japanese and Western Houses”; meanwhile the ones for the “Technical Officers” are mainly built in type of “Traditional Japanese House”. This research observes the spatial constitution of the above two rank’s official residences. 3. The research analyzes the relationship between the official residence distributions and spatial locations in Taipei City in order to understand the connection of “occupation” and “house” in Colonial City.


Senior officers West


1997《日本通史》臺北 揚智文化事業股份有限公司
2000《台北日式宿舍調查研究專案報告書》中原大學建築系 台北市政府民政局


