  • 學位論文

豐田生產方式運作之研究 ─台灣國瑞汽車公司及其協力廠之成功案例

A Research on Practical Operation of Toyota Production System (TPS)- A Successful Collaboration Case of Taiwan Kuozui Motors and Its Vendors

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


豐田生產方式係以及時化及自働化兩大概念,所發展出來的合理化生產系統,從徹底排除企業內部所有一切的浪費,進行各種以改善為核心的降低成本活動。因此,豐田生產方式可以提高生產力、降低成本,提昇品質而提供消費者喜好的多樣化產品,提高公司獲利及企業競爭優勢。深信這是世界上所有產業所共同追求的理想,台灣許多企業曾先後引進豐田生產方式,企圖改造企業體質以提昇競爭力,但由於其並非一種成熟的學術理論,而是一個實務運作的具體系統,它屬於動態且內隱的知識,外界難窺其全貌,故而難以掌握成功實踐的要訣。本研究旨在釐清豐田生產方式的真正精神、涵義與形成條件,探討其在實務經驗世界的運作方式,並透過國內企業的實際研究,以瞭解豐田生產方式的成功運作方法。   本研究選擇國瑞汽車以及其五家零組件協力廠等個案公司,針對導入豐田生產方式的組織架構、實施程序、改善系統及績效評估等四大重點構面,進行深入探討與比較分析,找出導入豐田生產方式順利實施成功的正確運作方法與條件,並歸納其實施成效的差異及其可能原因。 本研究結果如下: 一、國瑞及其協力廠的高階經營層均能親力親為,並設法使全體員工充分理解豐田生產方式的基本精神與意涵,進行全面性的意識改革,建構出有利於豐田生產方式運作的組織氣候,透過積極的實踐,促使生產線順暢流動,排除一切不合理的浪費,經由全公司一致的持續改善系統及團隊績效評估制度,而獲得減少庫存及降低成本的運作成效。 二、國瑞最初幾年完全由日本豐田的主管來主導組織與管理,隨著本地專業人員在接受訓練進而提升其管理能力後,公司高階主管的組成已逐漸在地化,這種組織管理及人力資源發展策略的調適與變革,也是國瑞在導入豐田生產方式後能持續成功運作的主要因素。 三、國瑞汽車各協力廠推動豐田生產方式的成果呈現出明顯的差異,究其原因,此差異現象的形成與高階主管對於豐田生產方式的理解程度有關,另外,員工的推動能力與意願,以及公司的授權政策等,均對推動豐田生產方式的成果有重大的影響關係。 四、將企業內部所有部門的工作方式及其關鍵系統架構,全部納入豐田生產方式之基本理念「徹底排除一切不合理的浪費」的改善範圍,促使所有製程都能處於流動狀態,使得所有降低成本的合理化活動得以貫徹。 關鍵詞:豐田生產方式;及時化;自働化;持續改善。


Abstract Toyota Production System (TPS) is a well-designed rational production system that is based on two major concepts: Just In Time (JIT) and Jidoka. The fundamental spirit of TPS is to pursue continuous improvement in a relentless manner, and is never satisfied easily in making improvement. TPS tries to eliminate all kinds of waste and activity that does not create added value in process. Therefore, business can strengthen its competitive advantage and increase its profit margin by implementing TPS to improve productivity and quality, and to cut-down cost as to provide consumers with various satisfactory products. Many companies in Taiwan were planning to implement TPS to improve their business productivity as well as to enhance their competitive advantages. However, TPS is not an academic theory, rather it is a practical and concrete system. The knowledge of TPS is dynamic and implicit in nature which people can recognize the whole meaning only by practicing it thoroughly. The purpose of this research is to identify the true spirit and meaning of TPS, and to search for the necessary conditions for effective operation in actual world. From this practical research of Kuozui Motors and its vendors in Taiwan, the researcher expects to highlight the key success factors of TPS. The researcher for data collecting and further interviewing chose Kuozui Motors and five vendors of parts and components during research period. The respondents pointed out four important dimensions of TPS, such as organizational structure, implementing process, improvement system and performance assessment in common, and the researcher tries to identify these key success factors for carrying out that System. Comprehensive review and comparison analysis were made by the researcher to find out the different results and propable reasons. The research results are as follows: (1) The top managements of Kuozui and its vendors always lead ahead in person to implement TPS and that made a declaration of the basic spirit and true meaning of TPS to their team members and employees. Whereas the revolution in sense of improvement has been evoked by implementing TPS, the organizational climate also changed positively which was helpful to future TPS development. These companies have eliminated all kinds of unreasonable wastes through organization-wide activities and team-work evaluation system, and have obtained fruitful results of inventory as well as cost reductions. (2) Kuozui’s top management for the first few years was composed by the Japanese supervisors from Toyota Motor Company in Japan. After Taiwanese professional managers have upgraded their managerial capabilities through education and training, many of the join the top management of Kuozui in nowadays. This kind of promotion and development policy of human resources is the most important factor for successful TPS in Kuozui. (3) The results of TPS implementation of Kuozui’s vendors are different significantly. The reasons which make the difference including the thorough understanding of TPS among the members of top management, employees’ capability and motivation, and empowerment policy in implementing TPS. (4) A company-wide implementation of TPS can eliminate all kinds of waste and cost both in mental set and in practical operation. And the gradual improvements enhance company’s competitve advantages, the successful experience from five Kuozui’s vendors show the evidence. Keywords: Toyota Production System(TPS); Just In Time(JIT); Jidoka;Continuous Improvement.


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