  • 學位論文


The Study of Fire Safety Strategies for Traditional Temples in Taiwan

指導教授 : 薛琴


台灣傳統寺廟古蹟防火策略之研究 The Study of Fire Safety Strategies for Traditional Temples in Taiwan 私立中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 中華民國九十三年六月 研 究 生:簡豪裕 指導教授:薛 琴 【摘 要】 台灣傳統寺廟古蹟由於構造型式與構造材料皆與現代建築不同,因此在防火性能上自然不能依照現代建築物之防火標準來要求,但是隨著目前古蹟再利用之使用方式以及現代化電氣設備之不斷引入的趨勢看來。古蹟建築物的防火安全問題便成為了現今古蹟保存工作上的一大隱憂。此外筆者認為長期以來,台灣古蹟防火安全相關課題並未受到應有的重視。而在筆者研究過程中發現,從目前台灣古蹟防火相關法令規範上的欠缺更可以看出箇中端倪。所以本研究之主要研究內容便在於發掘台灣傳統寺廟類型古蹟之防火安全上的相關問題,並且進一步加以進行實地的調查與紀錄工作。最後分析及歸納出改善傳統寺廟類型古蹟之消防安全的研究結論與建議。本論文之構成主要分為以下六個章節來探討,其內容分別敘述如下: 第一章 緒論: 包括本論文之研究動機及研究目的、研究方法及流程。 第二章 傳統寺廟古蹟火災危險特性: 主要藉由火災危險特性的探討來瞭解火災形成之原因,並且進一步延伸至探討傳統寺廟類型古蹟之火災危害模式與特性。 第三章 傳統寺廟古蹟防火相關法規與維護管理探討: 針對目前台灣地區古蹟防火相關法規條文作系統化的分析與整理,並且提出消防安全上之改善與建議。 第四章 傳統寺廟古蹟防火安全之調查與分析: 利用實地現場探勘的方式來進行寺廟類型古蹟防火安全之調查與紀錄工作,此外由於每一座寺廟古蹟之維護管理方式不同,因此也可透過現場的實地探查與分析紀錄,來了解到寺廟古蹟防火安全上所面臨之癥結與關鍵性問題。 第五章 傳統寺廟古蹟火災防治對策之研擬: 從寺廟古蹟防火安全相關問題的發掘到最後的火災防治對策之研擬,乃是本研究之主要研究目的。故本章節研擬出具體可行之寺廟古蹟火災防治對策。 第六章 結論與後續研究: 最後提出本論文的結論與後續研究方向及建議。 關鍵字:台灣,傳統,古蹟,寺廟,火災,防火策略,消防


The Study of Fire Safety Strategies for Traditional Temples in Taiwan By Hao-Yu Chien Thesis Adviser:Assistant Professor Chyn Shiue Submitted to the Graduate School of Architecture, Chung-Yung Christian University,Taiwan 2004 in Partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Master of Architecture 【Abstract】 Traditional temples in Taiwan were built differently from modern architecture in both materials and structure; therefore, fire safety strategies used for the average modern architecture do not properly apply to traditional temples. However, as time changes and modern technology and electronics are brought into traditional temples, the issue of fire safety becomes an important aspect in the preservation of the temples. Furthermore, as important as fire safety is, the subject of fire safety strategies for historical architecture in Taiwan have not yet been valued or emphasized. From studying the Taiwanese regulations on fire safety strategies, one may conclude that there are some missing pieces to the puzzle. Thus, this thesis will study and discuss, research and evaluate, and theorize and develop fire safety strategies and related issues for traditional temples in Taiwan. Last but not least, the thesis will suggest ways to expand and improve fire safety strategies for traditional temples in Taiwan. The six chapters in the thesis follows: Chapter One - Introduction: Purpose and motivation of this thesis Method of research Thesis agenda Chapter Two - Traditional Temple Fire Hazard Characteristics: Analysis of the cause of fire hazards from fire hazard characteristics Evaluation of the fire hazard characteristics and causes Chapter Three - Discussion of Regulations Related to Traditional Temple Fire Safety Strategies and Issues Evaluation of traditional temple fire safety strategy regulations Suggestion on improving and developing these regulations Chapter Four - Research and Evaluation of Traditional Temple Fire Prevention Documenting, researching, and evaluating various traditional temple fire safety strategies and possible problems through on-site experiment and observation. Chapter Five- Study of Traditional Temple Fire Prevention and Safety Strategies: The main purpose of this thesis is to develop fire prevention and safety strategies from studying issues related to traditional temple fire safety, thus Chapter Five concentrates on creating, developing, and designing the structure of fire safety strategies for today’s traditional temples. Chapter Six - Conclusion and Continuing Studies: Thesis Conclusion Suggestions and direction for further studies Keywords: Taiwan, Traditional, Historical Architecture, Temples, Fires and Fire Hazards, Fire Hazard Prevention Strategies, Fire Safety Strategies


National Fire Protection Association , NFPA 914-Code for protection of Historic Structures , 2001.


