  • 學位論文


The Influence of White Smog on Recognizing Emergency Sign System in Exhibition Spaces

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋


中文摘要 展示空間與一般辦公空間、教室等公共場域不同之處,在於展示空間所需的情境照明,間接影響空間的需求,造成展示空間呈現上都是偏向較昏暗。因而引發進一步思考,若在火災發生時,其室內環境是否會造成逃生之困難度。因此,如何協助參觀者及博物館人員,在煙霧瀰漫的環境下,進行緊急避難逃生,成了本研究重要的動機與目的。本研究主要之研究方法為場景煙霧模擬實驗;主要觀測對象為逃生方向指示燈、逃生出口指示燈;並探討以下2點:1.不同視點高度觀看逃生方向指示燈、逃生出口指示燈之差異性2.煙霧濃度不同時對遮蔽逃生指示設備燈之影響。 具體結果分逃生方向指示燈及逃生出口指示燈兩部分: 逃生方向指示燈﹕ 1.在尋找高度臨界值時,煙霧累積高度與觀測者的視點高度成反比;在尋找濃度臨界值,尚無法看出煙霧濃度與視點高度的關聯性。 2.逃生方向指示燈辨識度清楚與否,與空間中煙霧所累積高度及觀測者視點高度有關,且兩者呈現反比關係。 逃生出口指示燈﹕ 1.在尋找高度臨界值與濃度臨界值時,視點高度低者皆略優於視點高度高者。 2.就逃生出口指示燈而言,煙霧常尚未遮蔽人視點時,就已先遮蔽逃生出口指示燈,故觀測者對其之辨識度與視點高度無直接關係。 本論文所得知之結果,可提供建築師及室內設計師在設計過程中,對使用者觀視逃生指示設備燈辨識度之認知修正。


Abstract The difference between exhibition space and public space, such as a general office or a classroom, is that the required ambient lighting for exhibition space has indirect effects on space requirements; as a result, exhibition space is usually presented in relatively dim lighting. Accordingly, whether the indoor environment of exhibition space obstructs evacuation when a fire occurs is worth discussing. Thus, the vital motivation and objective of this study is to develop a method for assisting visitors and museum staff in conducting emergency evacuations in a smoke-filled environment. In this study, the main research method was experimentation through the simulation of smoke on the scene; the primary objects observed were the emergency direction lights and exit lights. The discussions explored the following two aspects: (1) Differences in observing the emergency direction lights and exit lights from different heights; and (2) the respective effects of various smoke concentrations obscuring the emergency sign system. The specific result was divided into two parts, emergency direction lights and exit lights. Emergency Direction Lights: 1.In defining the height threshold, this paper found that the height of the accumulated smoke layer was inversely proportional to the height of the observer’s viewpoint; in defining the concentration threshold, the correlation between smoke concentration and viewpoint height was insignificant. 2.The visibility of emergency direction lights was inversely related to the height of the accumulated smoke layer in the space and the height of the observer’s viewpoint. Exit Lights: 1.Observers from lower viewpoints determined the thresholds of height and smoke concentration better than those from higher viewpoints did. 2.The smoke typically obscured the exit lights before it obstructed peoples’ viewpoints. Therefore, there was no direct relation between the visibility of exit lights and observer viewpoint height. The conclusions of this paper present related knowledge of the visibility of the emergency sign system from the observers’ viewpoint, and can act as a reference for architects and interior designers during the design process.


