  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Discipline Management and Workplace Deviant Behavior for Expatriates:The“Big-Five” Personality Traits as Moderating Variables

指導教授 : 諸承明


在全球化的競爭下,企業以拓展海外版圖來維持生存命脈,當中外派人員扮演著關鍵角色,而外派人員的工作有效性取決於其與組織目標有關的種種行為。此外,職場中普遍存在著職場偏差行為,這項變數難以預測卻又極具影響性。因此,本研究試圖探討外派人員紀律管理與職場偏差行為的關聯性。另一方面,由於人格特質塑造個人行為,且是恆久不變的性情,故本研究亦試圖探討人格特質與職場偏差行為之關聯性,以及人格特質對於紀律管理與職場偏差行為關聯性的干擾效果。 本研究經由文獻探討,歸納出紀律管理的三個構面,分別為組織規範、教育訓練、紀律行動。而職場偏差行為變項除了人際面偏差行為外,另經由將實證資料做因素分析,從組織面偏差行為中萃取出報復性偏差行為、私事性偏差行為、抗命性偏差行為、散漫性偏差行為、資訊性偏差行為、推托性偏差行為六項。研究結果顯示: (1) 紀律行動對於職場偏差行為具有部份顯著關係,隨著紀律行動的施行,外派人員展現職場偏差行為的頻率會降低。 (2) 勤勉審慎性、親和性、情緒穩定性對於職場偏差行為具有部份顯著關係,這三項人格特質得分較高者,展現職場偏差行為的頻率會明顯較低。 (3) 勤勉審慎性、親和性、情緒穩定性、開放學習性對於紀律管理與職場偏差行為之關聯性具有部份顯著干擾的效果。隨著紀律行動的施行,勤勉審慎性低者展現報復性偏差行為的頻率會增加,勤勉審慎性高者則反之;而隨著教育訓練的落實,勤勉審慎性低者展現人際面偏差行為的頻率會減少,但降幅不若勤勉審慎性高者。隨著組織規範趨於嚴謹,親和性低者、情緒穩定性低者展現人際面偏差行為的頻率會逐漸降低至接近親和性高者、情緒穩定性高者。隨著教育訓練的落實,開放學習性低者展現人際 面偏差行為的頻率會小幅增加,而開放學習性高者則會大幅減少。 (4) 教育程度、年紀對於職場偏差行為具有部份顯著影響。具有大學以上學歷者較大學以下學歷者容易展現散漫性偏差行為;40 歲以下者較40 歲以上者容易展現散漫性偏差行為。


To cope with the global competition, corporations take expanding oversea subsidiaries and worldwide business as the tactic to remain competitive. The role of expatriates is quintessential to the success of this tactics. Expatriates’ job performance depends on their behavior related to the goals of the organizations. Since deviant behavior is a prevalent problem in the workplace, hard to be forecasted and significantly influential in job performance, this study is to examine the relationship between discipline management and workplace deviant behavior for expatriates. Because the personality traits can shape one’s behavior, this study is also to examine the relationship between personality traits and workplace deviant behavior for expatriates and whether the effect of discipline management on workplace deviant behavior was moderated by personality traits. This study drew on discipline literatures then concluded three dimensions of discipline management; they are organization norms, training and disciplinary action. In addition to interpersonal workplace deviant behavior, this study was conducted using confirmatory factor analysis then classified organizational workplace deviant behavior as revengeful workplace deviant behavior, private workplace deviant behavior, disobedient workplace deviant behavior, disorganized workplace deviant behavior,information workplace deviant behavior and stalling workplace deviant behavior. This study found out the followings: (1) Disciplinary action is significantly related to workplace deviance behavior. With higher enforcement of disciplinary action, the expatriates are less likely to commit workplace deviant behavior. (2) Conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional stability are significantly related to some workplace deviant behavior. The expatriates who are high in these three personality traits are less likely to commit workplace deviant behavior. (3) The effect of discipline management on some workplace deviant behavior was significantly moderated by conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience. With higher enforcement of disciplinary action, the expatriates who are high in conscientiousness are less likely to commit revengeful workplace deviant behavior, but the ones low in conscientiousness are more likely to do so; The higher implementation of training is, the less the expatriates commit interpersonal workplace deviant behavior. But this influence on lower-conscientiousness one is less than the the higher ones; As the organization norms become more meticulous, the expatriates lower in agreeableness commit interpersonal workplace deviant behavior less as the higher ones do. Emotional stability has the same moderating effect; The higher implementation of training is, the less the expatriates low in openness to experience commit interpersonal workplace deviant behavior as the ones high in openness to experience do. (4) Education and age were significantly related to disorganized workplace deviant behavior. The expatriates of graduate and higher commit disorganized workplace deviant behavior more; The expatriates more than 40 years old commit disorganized workplace deviant behavior more.


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