  • 學位論文

國中生英語補救教學學習動機與學習成效關係之研究 -以新竹市「補救教學實施方案」為例

A Study on the Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness of English Remedial Instruction for Junior High School Students:Hsinchu City Project for Implementation of Remedial Instruction as an Example

指導教授 : 樊愛群


摘要 本研究旨在瞭解新竹市參與英語補救教學國中生在學習動機與學習成效之現況、相關及預測情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以自編之「國中生英語補救教學學習動機與學習成效之自我評估問卷」為研究工具,以新竹市參與英語補救教學之公立國民中學學生為研究對象,共發放336份問卷,實際回收314份,回收率為93.5%,有效問卷247份,可用率為73.5%。問卷資料採用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後考驗、皮爾遜積差相關分析及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析與處理。研究結果如下: 一、新竹市國中生英語補救教學學習動機之現況屬中等程度,其中以「工作價值」層面知覺最高,而「自我效能」層面知覺最低。 二、新竹市國中生英語補救教學學習成效之現況屬中等程度,其中以「寫的能力」層面表現最佳,「聽的能力」層面待加強。 三、「性別」及「年級」在英語補救教學學習動機部分層面達顯著差異,而「課後學習型態」呈顯著差異。 四、「課後學習型態」在英語補救教學學習成效上,呈顯著差異。 五、新竹市國中生英語補救教學學習動機與學習成效呈中度正相關 。 六、英語補救教學學習動機對學習成效具預測力,其中以「期望成功」之預測力最佳。 根據以上研究結果提出具體建議,裨供教育主管機關、國民中學及英語教師與後續研究者作為參考。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ learning motivation and learning effectiveness of Hsinchu City English Remedial Instruction, and to explore the correlation between students’ English learning motivation and English learning effectiveness. Furthermore, this study analyzes the differences among junior high school students’ learning motivation and learning effectiveness of English Remedial Instruction, and makes a prediction to junior high school students’ learning effectivenesst by learning motivation of English Remedial Instruction. The researcher designs the questionnaire to gather information . The objects of this study are Hsinchu City public junior high school students given English Remedial Instruction. Through questionnaire investigation, there are 366questionnaires released, 314 questionnaires collected back. The return rate is 93.5%. There are 247 valid questionnaires, and the validity is 73.5%. The statistical methods used to analyze the data are descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé method, Pearson's product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The conclusions are as followed: 1.The English learning motivation of junior high school students participating in Hsinchu City Project for Implementation of Remedial Instruction is moderate. Students hold the highest endorsement with the task value, on the other hand, the lowest endorsement with self-efficacy. 2.The English learning effectiveness of junior high school students participating in Hsinchu City Project for Implementation of Remedial Instruction is moderate. Students’ ability to write is the best, on the other hand, "the ability to listen " need to be strengthened. 3.Gender and grade partially affect students participating in Hsinchu City Project for Implementation of Remedial Instruction with respect to English learning motivation , on the other hand, learning style after class significantly affects them with respect to English learning motivation. 4.Learning style after class significantly affects students participating in Hsinchu City Project for Implementation of Remedial Instruction with respect to English learning effectiveness. 5.There is a significantly medium positive correlation between students’ learning motivation and learning effectiveness self-assessment. 6.Students’ English learning motivation can positively predict students’ learning effectiveness, especially expectancy for success. According to the research conclusions, some suggestions are proposed to administrative authorities, junior high schools, English teachers, and the future researchers as references. is be used as the references for educational


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