  • 學位論文


The validation of the integrated model of core competence and core capability - A case study in a semiconductor company

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


近年來由於電子、資訊及通訊產業的快速崛起,促使全球科技產業進入高度需求的時代,企業如何建立永續經營的利基點及全方位的經營型態,在企業經營的策略中,應列為最優先的規劃考量。有效的管理核心專長(Core Competencies)與核心能力(Core Capabilities),才有機會取得競爭優勢,核心專長與核心能力可謂企業經營的基礎建設,有了良好的根基,方得爭取更多的企業價值與商業利益。 本研究引用國內學者建立之「The Integrated Model of Core Competence and Core Capability」(核心專長與核心能力整合模式架構)Yang(2013),將台灣某半導體公司為案例套用於此架構,期能藉由公司案例的分析,驗證此架構是否能與台灣企業內部的經營架構相對應。本研究探討的案例是台灣企業的標竿,具競爭優勢、核心能力、核心專長,所以是相當適合套用此架構模式的企業。 本研究透過某半導體公司的相關資料蒐集,如:公司年報、產業分析公司之市場報告、產業新聞、公司網站資料、期刊論文及專書等,解析此半導體公司如何發展出具競爭優勢的核心專長與核心能力,使其得以能在全球的激烈競爭中脫穎而出。 本研究結果驗證了實務上的應用價值,可供各產學研機構之內部經營策略發展的流程管理參考,以期打造企業組織之競爭優勢。


Because of the rapid rise of electronic and IT industry, technology industry has entered a new era of high demand. As a result, how to achieve sustainable operation and comprehensive managerial modes should be the first priority in the strategy of corporate management. With effective core competencies and core capabilities, the corporate can have the chance to obtain competitive advantage and they are so-called foundation of corporate management. With good foundation, the corporate can gain more enterprise value and commercial profits. The research cites “The Integrated Model of Core Competence and Core Capability” from domestic scholars to conduct the analysis of case study. “The study hopes to verify whether the structure can be correspondent to internal management structure of corporate in Taiwan by analyzing company’s case study. The study takes a example of the best company of semiconductor foundry in Taiwan, this company by interviewing employees and gathering relevant information such as annual report, industry news, information on company’s websites, periodicals and so on to analyze how it can develop core competence and ore capability with competitive advantage. The result is developed followed by the practical implications of this study to provide the reference for the process management of internal management strategy development in industry, academia, and research and development institute, hoping to establish the competitive advantage for corporate.


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