  • 學位論文


The Novel Cooperative Communication Schematic Applied In Multi-hop LTE-A Networks

指導教授 : 林志浩


近幾年由於無線通訊服務的需求快速增加,對於傳輸速率的需求上升,第四代無線行動通訊系統的發展變得非常重要。而進階長程演進計畫(Long Term Evolution Advanced, LTE-A)是現今第四代無線通訊最熱門的選擇之一,而LTE-A存在著許多技術議題需要探討研究,像是頻譜效益的提升、網路覆蓋率的增進、網路間的換手、異質網路、網路間干擾與通道估測這些議題等等。 合作式通訊中,中繼節點扮演著中繼的角色,其在蜂巢式無線系統中,可以是基地台轉接的中繼站或者本身就是一般的基地台。甚至在LTE-A的標準規格中,行動用戶也可以作為中繼的角色,建構出合作式通訊。這種合作通訊可視為基地台與基地台之間的合作,而這種合作方式可提高接收的效能與並增進整體網路的頻譜使用效率。另外,合作式系統之中繼節點結構也可以是多層的,稱之為多躍(路由)傳輸,這種合作方式提供遠距離的可靠傳輸。我們在LTE的系統架構下,結合了合作通訊、多躍(路由)傳輸等技術的優點,發展出一套先進的、低複雜度的LTE-A多躍路由合作通訊機制將是本論文發展的重點。 本論文結合了LTE-A的各種優點,並且以合作通訊的概念與多躍(路由)的技術架構來提升通訊系統的執行效能與傳輸品質,希望能以解決通訊涵蓋死角與提昇傳輸品質為前提來發展一套多躍路由合作通訊演算機制,這也是本論文最大的發展前提與動力。


With the growth of wireless communication services in recent years, a higher data transmission rate has been demanded, and the development of the fourth-generation mobile communications (4G) technology has become highly important. Long-Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) is one of the popular 4G systems. However, many issues regarding LTE-A, including improvement of spectral efficiency and network coverage, handover between networks, heterogeneous networks, inter-network interference, and channel estimation, need to be addressed. In cooperative communication, relay nodes play the role of a relayer. In a cellular network system, they can be relay stations or base stations. According to LTE-A specifications, mobile users can be used as the relayer to facilitate cooperative communication. This kind of cooperative communication can be viewed as a form of cooperation between base stations and is helpful for improving the reception performance and spectral efficiency of the entire network. In a cooperative system, the relay nodes may also have a multi-layered structure. With such structure, the cooperation, called multi-hop (routing) transmission, can offer reliable transmission over long distances. In this study, we integrate cooperative communication and multi-hop transmission technologies to propose an advanced, low-complexity LTE-A multi-hop routing cooperative communication mechanism. By integrating the strengths of LTE-A technology and the concepts of cooperative communication and multi-hop (routing) transmission, we attempt to improve the operating performance and transmission quality of communication systems. The proposed multi-hop routing cooperative communication algorithm is expected to solve dead zones and increase transmission quality. This is not only the objective but also the motivation behind this study.


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