  • 學位論文


A Sutdy on the Procurement Procedures of Property-Invitation to Tender, Award of Contracts for the Center

指導教授 : 姚志明


政府採購行為係指政府機關、公立學校、公營事業及接受機關補助之法人或團體,為取得推行行政事務所需之財物或勞務上支援,依政府採購法及相關法規規定辦理之招標、審標、決標、簽約、履約及驗收程序所為之工程定作,財物買受、定製或承租及勞務委任或僱傭等。其招標、決標程序是否公平,招標機關所選擇之招標方式及決標原則是否適當,攸關政府採購行為是否能夠提供廠商一個公開、公平的競爭市場及提高政府採購效率與功能。 廠商資格在招標程序中有舉足輕重之地位,招標機關訂定投標廠商資格,須避免不當限制競爭及考量是否能夠達到設定投標廠商之目的,亦即是否能夠保障採購品質,是否能夠提高採購效率,是否能夠節省採購成本,資格之設定必須具有公平性、競爭性、完整性。招標機關於開標後之審標過程中,對於投標廠商資格、規格、價格及投標行為之審查,得在一定之裁量空間內判斷為之,其判斷之結果,對於投標廠商是否能夠繼續參與後續之競標,具有關鍵性之影響。 政府採購行為中,投標廠商將投標文件送達機關以後,要約似應已生效。招標機關辦理開標,即進入決標階段。決標階段,係機關審查廠商資格、規格、技術文件及價格之階段,政府採購法訂有嚴密完整之程序。由財物採購契約締約過程之探討,本文認同實務上見解,即招標公告為要約之引誘,廠商之投標為要約,而招標機關之決標,為承諾性質,且以決標時點意思合致為雙方契約成立時點。 政府採購法採雙階理論,將契約成立前為公法問題,契約成立後屬民事問題,其應屬於特別立法解決紛爭之模式。然機關在辦理招標及決標階段,廠商與機關間尚無契約關係,在一般的情況下,尚無法依據民事法律關係向民事法院提起訴訟。惟以政府採購行為之法律定性,本文係採公私並立說,係因機關立於當事人地位與廠商成立私法契約,契約成立後之履約爭議是依民事法律關係向民事法院提起訴訟,但締約前招標及決標之爭議,因依法可提起行政訴訟,難謂無行為是以民事法律關係向民事法院提訴訟之。 從政府採購錯誤行為態樣可以得知機關於招標階段與決標階段辦理採購常發生錯誤行為,亦是廠商與機關間爭議之所在。本文乃由理論面出發,在既有的法律架構下,探討財物採購程序中招標及決標其實務上常見之問題。


The government procurement shall refer to any government agency, public school, government-owned enterprise and a juridical person or organization which takes a grant from an entity, in order to obtain property and service support necessary for carrying out administration affairs, conduct the invitation to tender, the evaluation of tender, or the award of contract, execution of the contract ,contract performance and inspection & acceptance procedures for the contracting of construction work, the purchase or lease of property, the retention or employment of services, etc. in accordance with the Government Procurement Act and other related regulations. Whether the invitation to tender, the award of contract award procedures are fair; whether the selected tendering methods and the principles of contract award are appropriate are essential for government procurement to provide open fair competing markets and improve the efficiencies and functionalities of the government procurement. The supplier qualification requirements play a decisive role in the invitation to tender procedure. The procurement entity shall prevent unduly restraining competition and take account into the purposes of prescribing the tendering supplier qualification, i.e. whether they can ensure the quality of procurement, improve procurement efficiency, or save the procurement cost. The prescription of qualification requirements shall be with fairness, competitiveness, integrity. The procurement entity may determine within certain discretion in the evaluation of qualifications, specifications, prices and tender procedure against tendering suppliers in the tender evaluation after opening of tenders. The determined results have key effects as to whether the tendering suppliers can continue to participate in subsequent competition of tender. In the government procurement procedure, the offer seems take effects after the tendering suppliers serve the tender documentation. Upon the procurement entity processing with the opening of tenders, the procedure goes into the award of contract step. The award of contract step refers to the stage that the entity reviews the supplier qualifications, specifications, technical documentation and price, which are prescribed with strict and complete procedures in the Government Procurement Act. In the discovery of the contracting processes of property procurement contract, this paper agree with judicial opinions the tender bulletin is an invitation for offer, a supplier’s tendering is an offer, thus the award of contract by the procurement entity is a acceptance in nature, upon the awarded of contract that the parties reciprocally declare their concordant intent, a contract shall be constituted. The Government Procurement Act adopts Two-Stage theory, the issue before the constitution of contract as a public law, after the constitution as civil issue, which should be the model of special legislation for resolving disputes. However, there are no contractual relationships between the vendors and the entities in the tendering and awarding stages by the entities; which under normal circumstances, they cannot bring proceedings in civil courts based on civil legal relationship. With respect to determining the legal characteristics the of government procurement, this paper adopt Public- Private- Dual Theory because the entity establish private contract with the vendors as a party, the performance dispute after the constitution of contract shall be filed for civil litigation in civil courts based on civil legal relationship, but the disputes in the invitation of tender and award of contract may be filed for administrative litigation by Laws, it’s hard to say nothing to be brought into the civil proceedings in civil courts based on civil legal relationship. From the mistake patterns of government procurement, we could learn that there are many mistakes occurred in the tendering and awarding stages of procurement procedures, which is also main dispute source between the vendors and the entities. This paper, from theory aspect, explores the common practice issues for the invitation of tender and award of contract in the property procurement procedure under the existing legal framework.




