  • 學位論文


The Study on Engineering Procurement Contract Changes —The Focus of Public Construction

指導教授 : 姚志明


公共工程從規劃、設計、發包、施工到完工驗收、使用,因其具有契約金額龐大、施工期漫長、技術層次較高、衍生契約複雜、附合契約屬性等特性,使其不同於一般營建工程而具有更高的風險及不確定性。畢竟人類的合理判斷能力,現實上仍存有限制,工程採購契約履約的過程中,不免有人為上的設計疏失及不可抗力的災害發生,如果要預測設想將來可能發生的所有狀況,並針對該狀況研擬對策,是極為困難且需耗費相當高的成本及知識。所以在各種工程施作的過程中往往有諸多原因,使得發包前所設定的契約條件無法與實際施工情形符合,因此需要依照實際狀況做出必要的調整及變更。 公共工程有別於一般民間工程,受政府採購法令諸多限制,因為公共工程採購契約文件內容龐雜,實務上除有因應法令增修、政策需求,而調整契約內容的情形外,更常因契約文件疏漏等因素,而辦理契約變更。上開情事,除徒增相關成本支出外,更常衍生諸多變更爭議。因此,如何建立對公共工程採購契約變更程序與常見爭議類型的認識,使負責公共工程業務人員得以妥適辦理契約變更,有其必要性及重要性。


Public constructions-- from the process of plan, design, contract, construction and acceptance-- are not the same as the general constructions and have higher risks and uncertainty, because they have some complex characteristic-- such as a large amount of money on contract, long-period construction, advanced-level technology, complicated derivative contract, adhesion contract. After all, the capability of human’s rational judgement is limited in reality. For example, in the process of performance on construction contract, it is unavoidable that some disasters and the man-caused deficiency of design happen. Moreover, it is extremely difficult and costly high to predict all situations which will happen in the future and to elaborate strategy for these situations. Because of lots of reasons in construction process, the contract set up before construction cannot be in line with the situation of the construction in practice. Hence, the strategies of adjustment and alteration need to be taken when the practical circumstance is in need. Public constructions constrained by Government Procurement Act differ from general nongovernmental constructions. In addition, because the contents of contract on public constructions are too complicated and enormous, only the following three situations— the requirement on policy, the amendment of laws and the omissions of the contract document— were qualified to change the contract. According to the above statements, it increases the related costs and further derivatives much controversy on alteration. Therefore, how to build knowledge of alteration and common type of controversy on contract of Public constructions is an essential and important way to let the executives appropriately transact the alteration on contract.


