  • 學位論文


The Decision Factors of Customer Choice in Container Transport Industry

指導教授 : 顧志遠教授


企業對非核心業務、及勞務採取委外方式發包,已是行之有年。在實務上,採取委外方式確實是可達到企業預期的目標及效益。但對提供勞務之業者而言,日後顧客所要求之服務品質評估及顧客關係持續發展,綜觀其能影響顧客選擇之決策因素,當面臨顧客對業務存續關係有裂痕,甚至在顧客為達成降低成本之目的下,貨櫃運輸業者無一不以降價作為回應,顧客也樂見如此,反復地進行削價競爭循環,無視顧客關係,終將蕩然無存。 本論文的主要目的即有感當前貨櫃運輸承攬業者在與顧客建立委外運輸業務時,在全球景氣蕭條之際,客戶為求生存一味以「價格」作為主要考量因素,未將顧客關係等評估因素納入考量。希望藉本研究在評估顧客在作委外業務,需考量顧客選擇構面之各要項之權重值,以達成委外工作的成功。 本論文首先將回顧及整理中外學者對顧客關係、關係品質、服務品質、服務價值、層級分析之各類相關文獻資料,並彙整顧客在選擇貨櫃運輸承攬業者時,其顧客關係中之關係品質構面對其影響之重要尺度,接著運用本論文所建立之各項分析指標、以AHP層級分析法,發展出「顧客選擇貨櫃運輸承攬業者之決策因素構面及要項準則」。 本論文係以某一知名貨櫃運輸運輸之客戶群體進行問卷,分析其研究結果。提供建議予其他貨櫃運輸承攬業者,可對不同之顧客群體提供不同之評估模式,以降低失敗風險,達成業務承攬工作的預期目標。


The enterprises have been outsourcing their non-core business to outside party years ago. Practically, it has been proved that outsource service providers can assist enterprises in achieving their anticipated business goals and interests. From the service providers’ point of views, service appraisal requested by enterprises onwards and the continuously maintenance and development on enterprise relationship are the key factors on enterprises’ decision in selecting outsource vendors. As a matter of fact, in order to meet enterprises’ expectation aiming for good customer relationship, container transport vendors nowadays have to make un-volunteer price cut on their own side whenever enterprises are either considering whether or not to keep the current cooperation or trying to minimize their costs. It is also found that enterprises have been enjoying the unlimited price cut on service providers’ side and, in reality, do not care their relationship with the service providers at all. Under this circumstance, the relationship between enterprises and service providers will be valueless. The situation can be even worse during the economic recession period of time. Price appears to be the only factor dominating enterprises’ decision in selecting container transport service providers regardless of customer relationship. As such, the main purpose of this paper is to examine various factors which should be taking into consideration while outsourcing container transport service and thereafter to prioritize factors to the success of outsourcing contain transport business. The paper will first review some academic studies from domestic and international in customer relation, relational quality, service quality, service value and level analysis and then to summarize the importance of service quality in managing customer relationship while outsourcing container transport service. Finally, we will equip the AHP, the level analytical method, with all factors identified in this paper to develop the decision-making factors and the important guidelines in selecting outsourced container transport service providers. The data analyzed and finding concluded in this paper are based on the customer questionnaires conducted in a well-known container transport company. The recommendation given to all container transport service providers in this paper is to differentiate themselves by providing tailor-made CBA (cost and benefit analysis) on different groups of enterprise to effectively increase business opportunities as a consequence of achieving anticipated business goal.


1.Anderson, J.C., & Narus, J.A. (1990).“A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships ,”Journal of Marketing, Fall(54), 42-58.
