  • 學位論文


A Comparative Research Of Trustee’s Duty To Segregate And Identify Trust Property Under Common Law System And Law In Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉賽鶯


信託制度,起源於英美,不僅貫徹資產分割功能,並能同時兼顧財產積極增值性、永續性、以及彈性,發展出有別於其他資產管理制度的核心價值。其中,又以受託人之分別管理義務,為實踐此價值之主要基礎。然而,我國關於受託人分別管理義務之規範,卻僅有信託法第二十四條作為依據,似嫌不足。是以本論文依序以分別管理義務概念的釐清、是否可以當事人契約加以排除以及違反之法律效果等三面向為主軸,探討我國法制運作下的困境,參照英美法上針對相關問題的處理,以供吾人思量審酌。 首先,分別管理義務究竟涵蓋哪些內涵,將直接影響例外規範之排除範圍,而例外規範所排除者為「分離義務」或「標示義務」,又將涉及信託財產可否被追蹤、債權人之保護、舉證責任之難易,其中又以信託財產為金錢者,影響最巨。 其次,我國信託法第二十四條僅規定分別管理義務於信託財產間得以當事人契約排除,針對固有財產與信託財產間是否亦得以契約排除,則未有明文。此涉及分別管理義務之性質、與忠實義務之關係、甚至涉及忠實義務得否以契約排除之相關爭議。此外,信託之對世效力、任意規定或強行規定間如何區分評價,亦是影響因素。倘若肯認得以契約排除,則排除之範圍為何、我國在層次處理之精密度上是否不足,均係關鍵。反之,英美法制就此問題之處理,為何區分標示義務與分離義務得出不同結論、其從信託契約之本質切入得出信託義務與一般契約義務間之差異、第三人利益之考量,所得之結論與我國是否相同,亦為本文比較研究之重心。 最後,我國主要以歸入權及損害賠償責任作為違反分別管理義務之法律效果。其中,歸入權之行使,是否以因果關係為要、舉證責任之分配為何、行使之效果是否為類似請求權之形成權、對受益人之保護是否不足,皆成疑問。反之,英美法制以擬制信託為法律效果,是否較有利於受益人之保護、實務發展脈絡為何、是否因獲利虧損異其處理、有無引進我國之可能抑或可透過信託法之解釋尋得條文依據,亦成為本文比較研究之重心。而損害賠償責任之主張,是否以因果關係為要、其舉證責任之分配在我國與英美法制下為何不同、何者為妥,歸責原則又究竟以我國之無過失責任為妥抑或宜改採英美法制之過失責任、有無其他選擇可能,均是本文欲研究的問題。


Trust is the greatest and most distinctive achievement of English law,grown and developed over the passage of time,to meet new demands in order to provide new solutions to problems,which has led to it being so widely and inventively used worldwide.One of the most important foundation that carries out the core value of trust ,is the rule against commingling, namely the duty to earmark and segregate trust property with trustee’s own. Whether this general prohibition is strictly applied or should be taken as default rules, not only involves the loyalty’s prohibition against a trustee’s creation of potentially conflicting interests, but also the dispute over whether fiduciary duties ,not alike other contractual undertakings,has moral footing as well. Concept of constructive trust, as a result of commingling trust property under common law system,is substituted by the system of disgorging under law in Taiwan,yet constructive trust enables the trace of trust property ,therefore leads stronger protection to beneficiary’s rights,also raised the issue of adopting it or not. When it comes to the compensation for breach of trust,causation is required no matter under common law system or law in Taiwan, although the burden of proof shifts to the trustee under law in Taiwan,while on the contrary is taken place by the beneficiary under common law system. Fault liability,the basis of compensation under common law system, also distinguishs from no-fault liability under the law in Taiwan. Each and every issue above, motivated the accomplishment of the essay.


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