  • 學位論文


A study on organizational operation and authority effectiveness of the boards of trustee of private universities in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳清基博士


本研究旨在探討私立大學董事會組織運作與職權效能之相關問題,期藉調查研究與分析,強化私立大學董事會組織運作功能,並提供私立大學董事會與教育主管機關做為私校經營管理及決策研擬之參考。 為達此一目的,本研究採用文獻分析、比較研究方法,蒐集國內外私立大學及其董事會相關組織運作與職權效能之資料,據以建構研究架構,做為實證調查研究設計之基礎。 本研究之工具為自行設計之「財團法人私立大學董事會基本資料調查問卷」暨「私立大學董事會運作現況調查問卷」,前者調查蒐集69所私立大學董事會之基本組織、運作與職權現況,回收48份;後者以1200份問卷調查私立大學董事會人員及大學校務人員,共回收800份,依五點量表計分,並以單因子變異數分析、多重比較及迴歸分析等統計方法,以分析不同性別、年齡、職務、年資、學歷、教育背景及服務學校之差異情形。並輔以焦點座談,以彌補量化無法分析之質性研究。 本研究結果之重點及發現: 一、不同背景的人員在私立大學董事會組織效能方面之認知有差異存在。 二、不同背景的人員在私立大學董事會運作效能方面之認知有差異存在。 三、不同背景的人員在私立大學董事會職權效能方面之認知有差異存在。 四、董事會組織效能、運作效能、職權效能之認知與共識,與目前董事會之現況沒有多大差異。 根據研究結論,本研究提出幾點建議: 一、教育主管機關對私校政策應仿照美、日再做鬆綁,以提高私校競爭力。 二、私立大學董事會的組織功能及運作效能宜再強化,並授權董事會更多經營管理的決策職權。 三、因應大環境的轉型,私立大學董事會及校長之評鑑應更加具體落實,以發揮監督成效。 四、私立大學的相關問題仍多,在後續研究方面宜多鼓勵或支持,俾客觀解決國內私立大學教育問題。


The main purpose of this research is to examine the relevant issues about the organizational operation and authority effectiveness on the boards of trustee of private universities. By the use of surveys and analyses, suggestions are proposed to the boards and the authorities of education as guidelines of operation control and policy making in relation to strengthening the function of the boards. With a view to reaching the above-mentioned goal, literature analyses, methods of comparative studies, search for data on the relevant organizational operation and authority effectiveness of the private institutions and boards of trustee in Taiwan were widely applied to this research as the basis of substantive surveys and the designs of formulating the concepts concerned. In this research “Questionnaire of Basic Data Concerning Boards of Trustee, Corporate Private Universities” and “ Questionnaire Concerning Current Operation on Boards of Trustee of Private Universities” were employed. The former focuses on the gleanings of basic organizational operation and authority effectiveness owned by these boards among 69 private institutions and the total usable number of the questionnaires returned was 48. The latter, among 1200 questionnaires to the personnel related to college affairs and boards, the total usable number of the questionnaires returned was 800, a return rate of 66.67﹪, emphasizes the use of 5-point measuring table, plus the statistic methods such as ANOVA, multiple comparisons and analysis of regression, analyzing the differences among people with different sexes, ages, occupations, length of service, academic degrees, educational backgrounds and work places. At the last stage, focusing symposiums were held as a complementary method to decrease the weakness of quantitative analysis. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1.The variations of the personnel’s backgrounds made differences in their perception of the organizational effectiveness of the boards of private universities. 2.The variations of the personnel’s backgrounds made differences in their perception of the operational effectiveness of the boards of private universities. 3.The variations of the personnel’s backgrounds made differences in their perception of the authority effectiveness of the boards of private universities. 4.The subjects’ perception and consensus on the organizational effectiveness, operational effectiveness and authorities effectiveness on the boards of private universities are not very different from the current state of the boards. According to the above conclusions, the following suggestions are made: 1.The Ministry of Education should deregulate the rules over private schools, like those in USA or Japan, to elevate their competitiveness. 2.The organizational function and operational effectiveness on the boards of private universities should be enhanced. More purview of decision power should be authorized to the board. 3.In responding to the social changes, the evaluation on the boards and presidents of the private universities should be put into practice, in order to produce the supervisory effects. 4.There are still many problems existed among the boards of the private universities. The further studies concerned should be encouraged and supported; so as to cope with the educational problems of private universities.




