  • 學位論文


White Myth in Tian-Mu, Taipei: A Study of the phenomena on exotic imagination

指導教授 : 陳其澎


華、洋、日雜處的異地——台北市天母地區,經過美援時期的歷史,猶如台灣的境外之地,一種西方國家的生活氛圍。日後大使館、台北美國學校與日僑學校均設於此,生活空間有別於台灣其他地區,堆疊出天母隨處可見外籍人士、洋房豪宅、異國餐廳的景象。在全球化、過去日本殖民與美國的新殖民時期之下,天母今日呈現多元文化混雜的異國情調現象,東西方文化上的界定與焦慮,衍伸身分認同與自我文化定位的不確定性。 由於天母的多重殖民文化背景,以及異國文化符碼交錯,因此本研究以天母為研究文本,探究台灣生活空間的後殖民文化混雜現象。後殖民主義為主軸,以法農(Frantz Fanon)的精神分析透視被殖民者對西方的欣羨想像、東方主義(Orientalism)瓦解殖民者對東方的物化想像,以及荷米巴巴(Homi K. Bhabha)的後殖民理論,旨在斷裂殖民的固著二元關係,產生協商的間隙,為混雜文化開闢一新生命。透過上述視點,探究天母異國想像的後殖民意義。 本研究內容,從殖民脈絡在天母的變遷、天母今日的殖民痕跡:日據時期的遺跡與美軍時期遺留的殖民生活符號,解讀天母在歷史更迭中,多重殖民痕跡在天母的隱喻。並透過今日天母的生活空間文本,探究再現的異國符號,當中虛實、真偽、中心與邊緣、疆界何在?建構了天母新舊交織含混的文化現象,誘發欣羨情結與戀物想像。 天母經歷日、中、美交互的殖民重寫,如今殖民痕跡與異國文化交雜,東西方對異文化愛恨雜揉,彼此依賴「他者」(the other)的定型化互相建構對方,當中激撞的矛盾(ambivalence)、擬仿狀態(mimicry),產生中心與邊緣文化混雜(hybridity)的現象。透過荷米巴巴的後殖民理論,其實殖民關係中具有可抵抗的不穩定空間,文化翻譯其中的間隙,將賦予邊緣文化生存的協商空間。如今天母在文化混雜的現象之下,已經沒有純正的文化血統,經過不斷的交流、協商與轉譯,使得文化差異得以運行於第三空間,繁衍不同的文化價值,建構一個跨越疆域、非己非彼的新生天母。


The district of Tian-Mu in Taipei City is a place full of foreigners. Through the time of U.S. Aid, Tian-Mu has escaped from Taiwan and the living atmosphere has become the kind of west nation. Therefore, embassis, Taipei America School and Taipei Japanese School are all established here and the living space differs from other regions in Taiwan. Tian-Mu becomes a place that enables us to see foreigners, western-style houses, luxurious residence, and exotic restaurants everywhere. Under the globalization, former Japanese colonial and neo-colonialism stage of USA, Tian-Mu appears the exotic phenomenon of multicultural hybridity today, limited and anxious of the eastern culture and the western culture, deriving from the indetermination of the self-identity and position of cultural identity. Because of the multi-background of colonial cultures and the signs of exotic cultures are entwined in Tian-Mu, the research uses Tian-Mu as a example to analyze and explore the phenomenon of cultural hybridity in postcolonial Taiwan life space. From the perspective of postcolonialism, using Frantz Fanon’s psychoanalytical approach to analyze the colonized, which has the imagination of envy about the Occident and Orientalism breaks up of the colonizer’s imagination of objectifying the Orient. This research also uses Homi K. Bhabha’s postcolonial theory to break up the double perspectives of colonial relationship, via the standpoint mentioned above; the research explores the postcolonial significance about the phenomena of exotic imagination in Tian-Mu. The content of this research that explores the colonial context in the continuous changing with trace of present in Tian-Mu, includes the legacies of the Japanese-occupied period and leaves the sign of colonial living in the time of U.S. Aid to interprets metaphor of multiple colonial vestiges with changing history in Tian-Mu. Pass through the living space text of today's Tian-Mu to explore exotic signs of representation. In the middle of truth or false, reality or fake, center or margin, and where the boundary stands, that establishes the phenomenon of cultural hybridity about transition from old to the new with inducing envy and imagination of fetish in Tian-Mu. Tian-Mu experienced Japan, China and America, colonized alternately. It is now complicated with colonial vestiges and exotic cultures. The interweaving emotion of love and hatred in the Occident and the Orient, which depend on other’s stereotyping to establish each other. They spark, ambivalence, mimicry, and produce the cultural hybridity of center and margin. Through Homi K. Bhabha’s postcolonial theory, the colonial relationship has the instable space of resistible. Liminal space of cultural translation would offer the negotiation space of living to margin culture. Now under the phenomena of culture hybridity in Tian-Mu which doesn’t have the cultural blood relationship of purity. After continuous interflow, negotiation and cultural translation, could make the cultural difference, circulating to the third space, multiplying the value of cultural diversity. To establish a newborn Tian-Mu that is neither itself nor the others, crossing over the inflexible boundaries.


Tian-Mu Orientalism Exoticism Postcolonialism hybridity


Baudrillard, Jean (1968),《Le système des objets》,林志明譯(1997),物體系,臺北:時報文化。
Fanon, Frantz(1971),《Peau Noire, Masques Blancs》,陳瑞樺譯(2005)黑皮膚,白面具,台北:心靈工坊。


