  • 學位論文

國內股票投資組合之風險值評估- 以台灣50指數成份股為例

The Evaluation of VaR in Domestic Stocks Investment Portfolio: The Case of TSEC Taiwan 50 Index

指導教授 : 吳博欽


近年來隨著金融自由化與國際化措施的發酵,各國投資者面對更大的投資機會。然而在享有更多投資機會的同時,亦面對更大的投資風險。因此,如何在有限的資金下利用投資組合的觀念,以規避投資風險且獲得特定的報酬,成為當前投資人最重要的課題。 本研究的目的在於,首先利用Markowitz 的平均數-變異數分析法對台指50成份股進行篩選,以選出近半年、一年與三年最佳的股票投資組合標的。再利用歷史移動平均法、歷史模擬法、蒙地卡羅模擬法等三種風險值評估方法,衡量該不同投資期間下,各種最佳投資組合的風險值,以及不同風險評估方法的預測績效。 由於台灣股市規模在全球股市中屬於小規模市場,幾乎任何外生因素均可對市場造成一定程度的影響,故投資時猶如操小舟般,隨時面臨驚濤駭浪的考驗。而其中,最能代表市場波動狀態者為台灣證券交易所所推出的台灣50指數,其所涵蓋的50家公司均是藍籌績優股票。 實證結果顯示,對於近半年最佳股票投資組合而言,歷史移動平均法為估計其風險值的最佳方法;就近一年最佳股票投資組合而言,以蒙地卡羅模擬法為最佳估計方式;至於近三最佳股票投資組合,則以歷史模擬法為優。綜合上述,股票投資組合的風險評估中,隨投資組合內容與投資期間長短,其最佳評估方法或模型有異,並無固定的最佳評估模型。


With the ferment of liberalization and globalization in financial markets, investor faces more investment opportunity and investment risk simultaneously. Therefore, it is an important and focus topic for investor to utilize her limited funds to select optimal investment portfolio and adopt suitable risk measure method to evaluate risk and further control risk. This thesis first adopts Markowitz’s Mean-Variance approach to select the best target stock portfolio named half-year optimal stock portfolio, one-year optimal stock portfolio and three-year optimal stock portfolio, from TSEC Taiwan 50 index. Based on above selected portfolios, we further use Historical Moving Average, Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo Simulation approaches to estimate their VaRs and decide the best method to assess VaRs. Stock is a popular financial asset for Taiwan’s investors. But Taiwan’s stock market is a more risky one than other stock market. For stable investor to select target stock from TSEC Taiwan 50 index is a simple and safe method, since almost its component stocks belong to blue chips. So we choose component stocks of TSEC Taiwan 50 index to comprise optimal portfolio and assess their risk. Empirical evidences show that for recent half-year optimal stock portfolio, Historical Moving Average approach is the best method to assess its VaR, for recent one-year optimal stock portfolio, Monte Carlo Simulation approach is the best method to assess its VaR, and for recent three-year optimal stock portfolio, Historical Simulation approach is the best method to assess its VaR. According to above conclusions there is no undoubted best method to evaluate the VaR of stock portfolio.


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