  • 學位論文

應用馬可夫決策過程於維護策略研究 -以太康導航系統為例

The Maintenance Policies Using Markov Decision Process -A Case Study for TACAN Navigation System

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


本研究是對於飛機非定期維修裝備之維修策略加以研究,並以陸軍航空某型飛機的太康導航系統為研究對象。藉由實地蒐集過去失效資料加以分析,運用馬可夫決策過程模式,對於飛機維護計劃所造成之整體影響與相關成本加以研究分析,並藉由預防維護保養規劃之總成本模式,且在期望總成本最小化之前提下。分析並運用求解演算法,以求得飛機非定期維修的裝備維修策略數學模式之最佳經濟解。 研究方法是建立一預防維護模式,進而求取一最佳機會維護時點,此模式亦為飛機非定期維修裝備之維修策略。用來決定對於非定期維修系統零件的狀況更換/修理件之最佳經濟預防維護保修規劃。使整體系統可以達到最佳的效益。並且希望將來可提供維修指揮官或管理者參考,以利下達適當維修決策。


The purpose of this research is about the non-periodic repair equipments of aircraft preventive maintenance decision. In this study, data were collected from the past of the failure of the TACAN navigation system of the aircraft of the Army aviation. This research utilizes the Markov decision process analysis method to discuss the aircraft maintenance decision for all effects and the relative cost. This research presents a model that develops the optimal economic solution that analyses and utilizes solution algorithms for the non-periodic repair equipments of aircraft preventive maintenance decision by the total cost of the aircraft preventive maintenance decision and minimizing the expected total cost. The purpose of this research develops a preventive maintenance model in order to get an optimal maintenance time point which is the non-periodic repair equipments of aircraft preventive maintenance decision. This model develops the optimal maintenance strategy for the non-periodic repair equipments of aircraft maintenance decision. In addition, the results can provide an easy-to-use method and satisfactory results for the maintenance commander or manager to develop the optimal aircraft preventive maintenance strategy.


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