  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Pan-familism and Employees' Well-being and Job Performance

指導教授 : 李明彥


「家」是社會的基本單元,是人們學習人際互動、團體生活的基本開端。在華人文化影響下,泛家族主義指在家庭以外的團體中,習慣將團體予以家庭化,此信念將會影響個人行為,被視為個人的行為準則基礎,而家對於個人的影響,是家庭角色的約束(角色規範)、家庭角色工作義務的規範(情感責任)。 幸福感來自人們生活中建構出的觀念、價值、態度與行為模式,為特定文化下建構出來的概念。現代社會大多數的個人,投入近40年時間工作,工作成為個人人生中最主要的一部分。然而過往針對工作幸福感與績效相關研究,較著重於領導風格、組織承諾及組織支持,本研究想了解在華人文化下,個人所具備的泛家族主義信念,是否會對工作幸福感及工作績效造成影響。 本研究透過計畫行為理論,家概念的類化會形成以角色規範為主體的行為態度與主觀規範,以及以情感責任為核心的控制認知,進而對個人的幸福感認知產生影響。換句話說,當企業內員工的泛家族主義信念越強烈,更容易在其投射的場域及角色義務明確的工作範疇上,產生較高的幸福感。 本研究以傳統產業為研究對象共發放209份問卷,實際收回207份問卷,扣除無效問卷,有效樣本數共計162份,進行迴歸分析分析,結果發現泛家族主義中的角色規範及情感責任對工作幸福感具有正向影響,換句話說,在職場中角色規範及情感責任信念越高的員工,其角色義務被彰顯時,在職場的工作幸福感越高。工作幸福感對工作績效具有正向影響,及員工工作幸福感越高時,其工作上的表現也會越佳。而工作幸福感對角色規範與工作績效之關係具有中介效果,顯示當員工的角色規範信念越高,更願意以家庭互動的角色規範要求完成事情,會應盡其角色義務,展現愛家、利家行為,進而有更多的工作表現。


"Home" is the basic unit of society and the basis for people to learn about interpersonal interaction and group life. Under the influence of Chinese culture, pan-familyism refers to the familization of a group outside the family. This belief will affect individual behavior and is regarded as the basis of the individual’s code of conduct. The family’s influence on individuals is the family role constraints (role norms), family role work obligations (emotional responsibility). Happiness comes from the concepts, values, attitudes, and behavior patterns constructed in people's lives and is a concept constructed under a specific culture. Most individuals in modern society have devoted nearly 40 years to work, and work has become the most important part of their lives. However, previous studies on work happiness and performance have focused more on leadership style, organizational commitment, and organizational support. This study wants to understand whether individuals’ pan-family beliefs under Chinese culture will affect work well-being and job performance. In this study, through the theory of planned behavior, the categorization of the concept of family will form behavioral attitudes and subjective norms based on role norms. And the control cognition centered on emotional responsibility, which in turn has an impact on personal well-being perception. In other words, The stronger the pan-family beliefs of employees in an enterprise are, the easier it is for them to have a higher sense of well-being in their projected fields and scope of work with clear roles and obligations. In this study, a total of 209 questionnaires were distributed with traditional industries as the research object, and 207 questionnaires were actually returned. After deducting invalid questionnaires, the number of valid samples was 162 for regression analysis. The results found that the role norms and emotional responsibilities in pan-familyism have a positive effect on employees’ Well-being. In other words, employees with higher role norms and emotional responsibility beliefs in the workplace will have a higher sense of happiness in the workplace when their role obligations are manifested. Work happiness has a positive impact on work performance, and the higher the employee's work happiness, the better their work performance. The job well-being has an intermediary effect on the relationship between role norms and job performance. It shows that when employees’ beliefs in role norms are higher, they are more willing to accomplish things according to the role norms of family interaction, and they will fulfill their role obligations and showing the behavior of loving family and benefiting family, therefore increase work performance.


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