  • 學位論文


The Impact of Strategic Alliance and Political Connection on Firm Performance

指導教授 : 張淑清


在面對競爭激烈且資源有限的市場,企業為了提高競爭力,紛紛以策略聯盟之方式尋求拓展營運的機會,並維持競爭優勢。目前各國政府對企業聯盟的目標與資源運用積極推行,顯示政府介入對企業聯盟合作頗具影響力。然而,我國過去政府與企業之合作,給外界的印象通常較為負面。故本研究以我國上市公司為研究對象,探討企業策略聯盟與政商關係對公司績效之影響。 本研究發現策略聯盟對公司績效呈現顯著負相關,顯示我國策略聯盟之企業,除了欲藉由企業間資源整合達到提升競爭力外,應考慮其他可能影響聯盟績效之因素。而政商關係對公司績效沒有顯著影響。至於策略聯盟與政商關係對公司績效則呈現顯著負相關,顯示我國策略聯盟與政商關係之企業,對其營運沒有太多的幫助。


Under the circumstances of limited resources and fierce competition, in order to enhance the competitiveness and to sustain superiority, more and more corporations decided to figure out the opportunity of expanding operations by means of strategic alliance pattern. For the sake of the entire development of each country, corporations were promoted to maximize the effectiveness by integrating resources by the government. However, as far as the public concerned, the cooperation between the government and corporations usually shows more negative impressions in Taiwan. The study focus on the relationship of strategic alliance, political connection, and firm performance. By the way, listed companies are the chosen samples in this study. First, the phenomenon was found that there is negative correlation between strategic alliance and firm performance, and it indicates that the one who wants to enhance the competitiveness through strategic alliance should not only consider the aspects of integrating resources, but also the ones that might be a variable. Second, there is no significant correlation between political connection and firm performance. That is to say, according to the intervention of government, we could know that whether having the motive of political connection or not, there did not seems to have too much effect on firm performance. In the end, on the basis of the above can we know that no matter the corporation choose to adopt either strategic alliance or political connection, negative correlation is showed as the result. No matter the strategic alliance and political connection are adopted or not, the inference that there would not have too much effect on the operational performance would be concluded.


林彥廷、陳宗岡、 范宏書與龔尚智,2014,〈研發支出波動風險對公司信用風險之影響〉,《管理學報》,第31卷(1期):頁21-39.
