  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Social Mobility of the Founders of Mobile Café and Their Controlled Space

指導教授 : 曾光宗


對許多人而言,自行創業意味著不需受他人控制,能夠掌握自己的生命空間,也是強化自身主體性的方法,換言之,創業是肯定自我價值、並重新為自己的社會位置重作定義的方式。本研究以行動咖啡館創業家為討論對象,嚐試從社會階級的角度來探討其創業的關鍵因素,並藉由既有關於社會流動的理論作為實證分析的依據;此外,也依照各階層行動咖啡館創業家的創業動機與社經背景,來探討行動咖啡館創業家創業思維的差異,以及創業思維對於咖啡館經營模式、空間塑造的影響性。 本研究以立意抽樣的方式決定研究案例,並選定其中八家較具特色的行動咖啡館為研究主體,進行無控制的非參與式空間觀察,並針對十五位行動咖啡館創業家進行半結構性深度訪談,研究結果發現: 1.行動咖啡館創業家傾向於保有其創業前所具備的各項條件優勢。例如創業前具有權威或專業技術者,創業後成為管理階級或專業人員比例較高。 2.關於兩性的社會流動現象則發現,男性創業家的社會流動程度高於女性創業家,且男性創業家成為專業人員的比例也較女性創業家高。 3.創業前位居低社會階級的創業家易傾向於金錢動機,故行動咖啡館的經營模式朝向產品多元化與活動駐點經營發展,以求提高收入。 4.創業前位居高社會階級的創業家則傾向於成就動機,且具有較高度的工作自主性與決策權,經營行動咖啡館則傾向於建立專屬品牌、提昇服務品質、並注重與消費者的情感互動。 5.研究也發現,創業前位居任何社會階級的創業家皆存在以權力動機為取向的個案,其經營行動咖啡館的理念則傾向於重視榮譽與講求專業分工。 6.創業的目的是增加個人在工作空間中的自主程度,並利用駐點模式及吧台的規劃達成。駐點模式(定時流動式、定點流動式、定點固定式)決定空間領域感的強度,而吧台形式則決定工作的領域感強度。


階級 社會流動 創業動機 咖啡館


An employee, once becomes an enterprise founder, is free from being controlled in work, and can control his (her) own life style by him(her)self. In another word, it is an easy way to affirm one’s self-value, and re-define his (her) social position. This research is trying to find out the reasons why enterprisers found the mobile café, based on the theory of social mobility. The research also discusses how the entrepreneurial motivation and the original professional background affect the intention of an enterpriser, and how the intention affects the space arrangement and operation of the mobile café. This research surveyed eight cases of mobile café by observations without participation. This research also interviewed fifteen enterprisers of the mobile cafes. The results are as follows: 1.The mobile café enterprisers tend to keep the advantages that they had before starting the enterprise. Many of them became managers or the professionals if they had authoritative or professional skills before. 2.The gender differences of the social mobility show that the extent of the social mobility of the male enterprisers is higher than females. And more male enterprisers became the professionals than females, too. 3.The mobile café enterprisers who were in inferior social classes tend to pay more attentions to the economical factors, and they tend to develop more products or try to catch every opportunity of sales to get more sales amount. 4.The mobile café enterprisers who were in higher social classes tend to pay more attentions to the goal achievement, and have more decision-making power. They developed their own brands, and tend to improve the quality of the products and services, and pay more attentions to the relationship with customers. 5.In any social class, there are some enterprisers who focus on authorities. They are particular about honor and specialization service. 6.Analyzing the arrangement of the space shows that the types of the worktable determine the strength of the autonomous at working territory. And the locations of the mobile café determine the strength of the entire territoriality.


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