  • 學位論文


Pursuit Eye Movements on Visual Illusions

指導教授 : 林品章


本研究為瞭解人如何觀看錯視圖形以及錯視圖形影響人視覺運動的程度,以追隨眼動法(pursuit movement)在人的知覺(perception)與視線軌跡(scanpath)之範疇內,進行觀看Müller-Lyer、Hering、Wundt、Ebbinghaus等錯視圖形中,有關長度、直線、曲線、面積等錯覺之視覺追隨眼動的實驗,以瞭解錯覺的形成是否會影響視覺的追隨眼動,其發現提供有關錯視圖形的視覺歷程與視知覺理論基礎。 實驗採用受測者內設計,受測者凝視追隨在錯視圖形上移動的紅點目標之動態影片,透過眼動儀(View Point PC 60 eyetracker)及SuperLab實驗控制軟體等設備,記錄並分析受試者觀看錯視圖形的視線軌跡差異。 實驗分析方法分別採用:1. 平均長度及中數的概念比較長度錯覺之直線長度差異。2.在曲線錯覺上,以線性方程式fitting比較殘差平方和之數值。3.在面積錯覺上,以三維高斯函數(Gaussian)fitting的概念計算,比較fitting後的截面積數值。透過以上三種分析方法分別觀察不同錯視圖形之視線軌跡分佈的現象。 研究發現如下:1.在長度錯覺上,人在觀看Müller-Lyer錯視圖形時,以等長直線移動的眼球運動無法被強制改變,進而產生視軌跡長短不同分佈的差異。2.在曲線錯覺上,觀看Hering 和 Wundt錯視圖形時,因受錯視背景的影響,眼球以直線來回的移動仍然受到知覺的引導,視線軌跡亦無法被強制改變,而形成曲線分佈的現象。3. 就面積變化的錯視圖形而言,眼睛觀看Ebbinghaus錯視圖形時,眼球運動仍然受到知覺的影響形成面積大小的錯覺現象。實驗中圖形均因錯視背景的影響,眼球的運動無法被動態紅點強制改變,眼動方式依然受到知覺的影響,產生視軌跡分佈的差異。 研究發現說明了人在觀看長度、直線、面積等錯視圖形時,其追隨眼動的視線軌跡,與人觀看錯視圖形的錯覺感是相近的。研究結果亦顯示出與行動(action)與知覺分離的現象不同,追隨眼動受到知覺的影響並未出現分離現象,而是受到錯視背景的影響在視覺呈像原理上,使得眼球的常態運動產生改變。


The present research is an investigation of the characteristics of pursuing eye movement during viewing targets moving along illusory patterns. Many studies about visual illusions discuss perceptual issues, while the present research focuses on the how the illusory patterns affect eye movements. A paradigm of pursuing moving targets on illusory patterns is used in the present research. Various kinds of visual illusions, including Müller-Lyer, Hering, Wundt, and Ebbinghaus illusory patterns, which denote illusions of perceived line segment length, curvature, and areas, are tested. The author used a Viewpoint PC60 eye racker to record the scanpaths of observers pursuing a target (red dot) moving along the illusory and control patterns. To analyze the recorded scanpath data, three different methods were used: 1). Averaged lengths between the Mids of scanpath distributions of the two ends were calculated for the length illusions. 2). Comparisons between residual errors of curve and linear fittings of the scanpaths for curvature illusions. 3). Section areas in two-dimensional Gaussian fittings of the scanpath distribution for the area illusions. The data analyses results suggest that the visual illusions, rather than the physical patterns, guide the eye movements. The scanpaths of viewing an illusory curve are more similar to those of viewing a real curve than those of viewing a straight line, what the illusory curve is physically, and similar phenomena could also be found with other illusions tested in the present research. The findings are not in accordance with many studies, who suggested dissociations between perception and action in human vision.


傅銘傳、孫慶文、林品章(2004)。對稱圖形的學習與再認性之實驗研究。設計學研究, 7(1)。47-64。
傅銘傳、孫慶文、林品章(2007)。單一圖形之凝視軌跡實驗研究。設計學研究, 10(2)。35-52。
