  • 學位論文

探討師徒制文化對傳統製造業的影響之研究 -以塑膠射出成型產業為例

The Study of Effects Apprenticeship on Traditional Manufacturing Industry-An Example in Plastic Injection Molding Industry.

指導教授 : 林賜德


塑膠工業為我國重要的傳統製造業,支援各項產業的關鍵或週邊零組件,為經濟快速發展所不可或缺的產業,早期師徒文化是塑膠射出成型產業訓練人才技術傳承的重要方式;關於師徒制,是許多企業應用已久的人力培訓方式,但應用在新世代工作者上,是否適用?師徒文化中的經驗知識化,繼而推動企業組織中的生產製造裡,更具標準化減少錯誤的發生,也能讓新進員工快速適應和融入組織文化,累積並活用經驗知識並提升解決問題的能力,能夠更迅速的提供客戶需求的產品,從而在全球化競爭的市場中擁有競爭力。 本研究透過個案訪談的方式,實際對台灣傳統製造業塑膠射出成型之六家企業進行訪談,其中包含管理階層、中階幹部、生管人員、師父(資深人員)、徒弟(新進人員)等作為研究的對象,進行師徒文化制對傳統製造業塑膠射出成型的影響研究及連帶引起的一些問題含後果,其中有少子化造成人力資源不足、人才斷層,人才斷層引起本土技術無人傳承的窘境,為了解決人才斷層日益嚴重的危機,各家企業積極推動知識管理來建立標準生產流程,減輕對「人」的依賴。 傳統製造業對人力上的需求一直都是存在和相當的依賴,台灣本地勞動力缺乏已經是各家企業所要面對的課題。產業提升、設備升級、電腦化生產作業管理及自動化作業都是選項,但是前提是需要大量的資金成本來實施,所以引進外勞來取代台灣勞動力不足的問題,對台灣勞工不會引起排擠產生失業率上升嗎?技術人員短缺和技術斷層的問題在本研究的個案訪談中;與少子化有關,與台灣技職教育有關,與國人教育觀念有關;卻與年齡、性別和外勞無直接的因果關係。外勞的影響,組織和技術人員除了要以空杯的心態去學習、去汲取新知識,技術更要避免一年經驗重複用十年,機極發展組織和自己的 「比較優勢」。解決這些事情是刻不容緩的事情,故本研究針對個案公司訪談中的資料進行分析與探討。


Plastic Industry has always been one of the important traditional manufacturing industries in our country. The plastic industry is an indispensable force for enhancing the fast growth of economic development. The Apprenticeship has been used by many enterprises as the method for training the employees for many years. However, is the Apprenticeship still a proper method to be utilized in the training of new generation of workers and technicians? The efforts to organize the experience and knowledge inherited from the Apprenticeship culture, and to enhance the standardization of production processes in an enterprise or an organization can minimize the occurrence of errors. It can also help the new members of an organization to blend in the culture of the organization and adopt the new environment. In the meantime, by accumulating and utilizing the collected experience and knowledge. Not only the enterprise can improve its problem solving capability, but also can help the enterprise to be able to provide the products to customers more quickly. Hence further improve the competitiveness of an enterprise in the harsh globalized market. his research utilizes a case study method by interviewing six companies in the traditional plastic molding injection manufacturing industry in Taiwan on-site. The interviewed subjects include high-ranking officers, middle-level managers, production coordinators, masters (senior staffs), and apprentices (new staffs). The research covers the effects study of the Apprenticeship pose on the traditional plastic molding injection manufacturing industry and the corresponding problems the industry is facing now and the results. The problems include the insufficient of manpower supply due to the extremely low birth rate, and the difficult situation of passing through the traditional experience because of the experience gap between generations of staffs. In order to resolve the increasingly serious danger associated with the lack of experienced staffs due to experience gap. An enterprise should vigorously promote the formation of a knowledge management system in order to build the standard production procedures. Hence the needs of relying on specific personnel can be minimized. It has always been an issue for the traditional manufacturing industry in Taiwan to rely on massive quantity of experienced personal. However, lacking of qualified and experienced personnel has been a critical problem almost every company has to confront now. Among the options to resolve the issues of lacking of qualified and experienced personnel. Upgrading the industry status by upgrading the equipment, computerizing the production procedure management, and automation are all good and feasible approaches. However, these upgrades require massive capital investments. Therefore, importing foreign workers to fill in the manpower gap in the traditional manufacturing industry has become an easy and economical cure for both industry and government. However, will the employment rate of local workers be affected due to the increasing foreign workers? In this research, it has concluded that the problem of lacking of experienced technicians and skill gap between generations has direct relations with the low birth rate, the technical and vocational education system in Taiwan, and the conception of education in mind of Taiwanese people. But the problem has no causal relations with the age, the genders, or the introduction of foreign workers to the industry. In addition to have an open mind to learn and absorb new technology and knowledge. An organization and its technicians should also avoid repeating to use the same experience for a decade which was collected in just one year. An organization and its technicians should actively develop their knowledge system for collecting the experience continuously and make good use of their Comparative Advantages. Time is crucial for an enterprise to resolve these problems. And the data collected in the interviews of various case studies have been studied and analyzed in this research.


