  • 學位論文

快樂都市綠生活遊廊 以高雄前金區鹽埕區為例

A happy city consists of Green living For example, in the city of Kaohsuing,Yancheng District, Cianjin District.

指導教授 : 魏主榮


有鑑於都市日益發展蓬勃,都市的興盛及高度發展,伴隨著建築行為的發展過程,發現到都市與街道高度密集發展,將居民的生活空間,綠地空間逐漸壓縮,方興未艾的產生. 有感於此,研究者盼藉此論文過設計的手法,配合近年來熱門的生態建築,與自然共生的概念,研究者以高雄為基地,研究當地的都市紋理,及當地居民生活行為,盼釐清其中脈絡,作為設計基地分析的研究資料,以設設計手法提出概念式的設計方案,以居民在都市生活中機能為取向, 將設計分為四個主題 ,1:城市地景 ,2: 公共設施 ,3 : 商業住宅(住商混合) ,4 : 居住行為 ,上述四點. 個別以設計概念 1 :城市花園在高雄 2 : 綠地繁殖計畫 3 : 柑仔店 4 : 把公園帶回家 ,四項設計操作, 盼以設計手法,結合都市居民生活及都市紋理, 以概念式的設計操作,呼應生態建築,即與自然共生的概念. 嘗試提出在高雄都市生活關於綠的生活可能性 . 此研究中,筆者希望透過設計的方式,期望解決此問題,目的分別為以下三者 : 1、解決建築行為對於環境的傷害 2、解決都市綠地分布不均的問題 3、讓自然走入都市的生活當中與建築共生,期望透過設計的手法讓都市的人們感受到與自然共生的快樂及親切感。


In view of vigorous, prosperous, and highly development in big city plus the development process of construction behavior, the big city and streets are highly and densely developed that condense the living space and green space of residents, and this phenomenon is still growing. Because of this, the researcher hoped to make use of the design of this study to cooperate with the popular ecology architecture and the concept of coexisting with the nature. Kaohsiung was the main study area, and the infrastructure of Kaohsiung City and living behavior of local Kaohsiung residents were studied so as to serve as the study data for design base analysis. The conceptual design plan was proposed according to design technique and the functions of residents’ life was the direction of this study, and then this design was divided into four main themes: 1. view of city; 2. public facilities; 3. commercial residence (fusion of commercial and residence); 4. living behavior. Four design concepts were proposed, including “city garden in Kaohsiung”, “green land reproduction plan”, “tangerine store”, and “bring a garden home”. Conceptual design method was used to combine the life of city residents and city infrastructure to respond to ecology architecture, namely the concept of coexisting with the nature, trying to propose the possibility of green life in the urban life of Kaohsiung. In this study, the researcher made use of design method to solve the following problems: 1. Clear up the harm of architecture behavior towards the environment; 2. Solve the problem of uneven green land distribution in the big city; 3. Allow nature to fuse with the architecture and city life. Hopefully, the use of design method could let city residents to feel the happiness and geniality of coexisting with the nature.


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