  • 學位論文


Workflow Analysis for a Semiconductor Equipment Assembly Plant

指導教授 : 項衛中


半導體儀器設備的品質與成本是影響製造商生產績效的重要因素,降低儀器設備的開發與製造成本對整個供應鏈的競爭力與效益皆有助益。設備廠經常以訂定年度總體目標來推動整廠的營運與管理,同時也採用績效指標來做績效評估,但是訂定出的績效指標有時並未能與總體目標密切配合,造成無法以績效指標有效的管理工廠以達成總體目標。 本研究欲協助半導體設備廠組裝作業流程分析與關鍵績效指標之建構,將企業所要達到的目標與績效指標予以結合。採用限制理論邏輯思考的方法,進行專家訪談,蒐集問題。透過現況樹找出四個核心問題,並運用分析層級程序法評選出關鍵問題與關鍵品質要素,經由專家評估算出權重後,進行對策整合並化解衝突以擬定行動方案與執行準則。關鍵問題為「無完善標準制度規章」,關鍵品質要素為「降低缺料率」,及所對應的六項關鍵績效指標為:缺料率、外包品質不良率、供應商入庫不良率、原材料周轉天數、燒機不良率及組裝效率。本研究將所要管控的問題與績效指標予以結合,並進行表單設計與流程改善,輔助分析與掌握現場缺料狀況、釐清停工待料原因及責任歸屬,協助個案公司進行持續改善。 本研究最大的貢獻為運用限制理論與分析層級程序法找出關鍵問題並訂定相關的關鍵績效指標,進而提出對應之行動方案與執行準則,將尚未優化的流程進行改善。本研究對於半導體設備廠組裝作業流程改善與績效指標建構具有實質的成效,使目標更為有效貫徹至各階層,並對主要問題加以釐清與解決,因而強化企業的競爭與執行能力。 關鍵字: 關鍵績效指標、限制理論、分析層級程序法


The demand for electronic product market changes frequently; therefore, equipment manufacturers must be flexible enough to meet market demand and their operation status affects not only the survival of their enterprises themselves but also affects the overall operation of the semiconductor supply chain. Equipment manufacturer usually sets an overall goal for the company operations, and the plant also uses performance indicators for performance evaluation. However, performance indicators sometimes failed to closely coordinate with the overall goal, in such a case, it is not effective to achieve the goal by means of the performance evaluation system. This study aimed to develop performance evaluation system and to help the company to integrate company objectives with performance indicators. In this project, theory of constraints (TOC) was applied to find the critical problems of the manufacturing plant; furthermore, interviewing with the managers and observing the shop floor of the factory were used to understand the current problems. Four core problems were induced by using current reality tree, and analytic hierarchical process (AHP) was applied to calculate the weightings of key problems and critical to quality (CTQ) factors. Consulting with the company managers, this project integrated alternatives, and developed action plans and guidelines to solve material shortage problems. The outcomes are first to identify major factors affecting performance indicators, to develop formulas of performance indicators, to find the causes of inefficient workflows, and to propose action plans to the company. Key word: key performance indicator, theory of constraints, analytic hierarchical process


黃水木,整合衡量概念之 TOC問題解決模式研究,中原大學工業工程學系碩士
陳曷越,整合 6-Sigma 衡量概念於 TOC 轉移樹之研究,中原大學工業工程學
