  • 學位論文


Effects of rumination modes and focuses on anger and depression

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的:在生氣與憂鬱情緒的研究中,反芻是經常被探討的危險因子,而生氣與憂鬱情緒之關係亦發現有強烈的正相關,過去有研究者試圖以反芻特質解釋兩情緒間之正相關,然其因果關係較難確定。近期開始有研究試圖透過反芻狀態的角度切入,以了解不同反芻思考方式對生氣與憂鬱情緒之影響,然目前仍未有定論,亦無研究以反芻狀態解釋兩情緒之正相關。近期Denson透過文獻回顧發現生氣反芻可以區分出三種不同思考方式的反芻思考向度,分別是:處理的形式(mode of processing)、思考的觀點(vantage perspective)以及關注的焦點(content focus),此歸類方式仍可應用於憂鬱反芻中。因此本研究試圖以反芻狀態的角度探討生氣與憂鬱情緒之關係,並結合處理的形式與關注的焦點,產生出四種不同反芻思考方式,了解此四種不同反芻思考方式對生氣與憂鬱情緒之影響,並試圖以客觀自我覺察理論解釋兩情緒間之正相關。 研究方法:本研究共兩個實驗,實驗一欲探討非臨床樣本(共16男,34女)在反芻憂鬱或生氣事件時自發性使用的反芻思考方式為何,並以回溯式的方式初步探討四種不同反芻思考方式(激發事件關注的經驗式反芻、自我關注的經驗式反芻、激發事件關注的分析式反芻以及自我關注的分析式反芻)對生氣與憂鬱情緒之可能影響為何。實驗採取2(情緒誘發組)X4(不同時間點)二因子混合實驗設計,情緒誘發組為受試者間設計,分別為生氣誘發組與憂鬱誘發組;不同時間點為受試者內設計,分別有情緒基準期(T0)、情緒誘發期(T1)、自發性反芻思考期(T2)以及情緒恢復期(T3),依變項為憂鬱情緒、生氣情緒以及反芻思考方式。實驗二參考實驗一之結果進行假設,逕自操弄不同反芻思考方式,了解非臨床樣本(共24男,80女)進行不同反芻思考方式後對憂鬱與生氣情緒之影響為何,實驗採取2(情緒誘發)X4(反芻思考方式)X4(不同時間點)的三因子混合實驗設計,其中反芻思考方式為受試者間設計,其餘與實驗一相同,依變項為憂鬱情緒與生氣情緒。 研究結果:實驗一發現非臨床樣本在反芻生氣事件時常使用自我關注的經驗式反芻與激發事件關注的經驗式反芻,經過自發性反芻後生氣情緒顯著上升,而憂鬱情緒維持不變;反芻憂鬱事件時則常使用自我關注的經驗式反芻,經過自發性反芻後生氣與憂鬱情緒皆維持不變,最後兩情緒經過情緒恢復作業後皆能恢復至基準期。實驗二發現僅有不同時間點、情緒誘發組之交互作用達顯著,顯示在憂鬱與生氣情緒中,不同情緒誘發組其三個時間點之情緒有所差異,而反芻思考方式則無顯著影響。經過反芻思考後,兩組之生氣情緒與憂鬱情緒皆維持不變,最後在情緒恢復作業中,兩組之生氣與憂鬱情緒皆能夠有顯著的下降。 研究討論:過去研究發現生氣與憂鬱之相關高,因此試著在實驗二將憂鬱情緒與生氣情緒加總,視為一個整體的負向情緒作為依變項,結果發現使用激發事件關注的經驗式反芻後其整體負向情緒維持不變;使用自我關注的經驗式反芻後其整體負向情緒顯著上升;使用激發事件關注的經驗式反芻後其整體負向情緒顯著下降,最後以客觀自我覺察理論解釋生氣與憂鬱情緒之相關,並發現認知抑制功能缺損對憂鬱症之影響較大,在文末亦提出研究貢獻、限制以及未來方向。


Background:In the research of anger and depression, scholars had found out that there is a strong positive correlation between them, besides, rumination is the risk factor that had often been discussed. Researchers in the past tried to explain the positive correlation of anger and depression by the trait of rumination, but the causal relationship was hard to verified. Recent theory and research tried to understand the effect of different rumination thinking way on anger and depression by the state of rumination. Moreover, there is no research to explain. Through literature review, Denson found out that there were three cognitive dimensions contributed to angry rumination, that is the mode of processing, vantage perspective and content focus, besides, depression rumination can also be classified. This study aims to discuss the relationship of anger and depression by the state of rumination, and combine the “mode of processing” and “content focus” then creates four different thinking styles of rumination, and tries to discover the effects on anger and depression. We still try to explain the positive correlation of anger and depression by objective self-awareness theory. Method:There are two experiments in this study, experiment 1 tries to understand that what kind of thinking style on rumination will be used on non-clinical sample(16 male, 34 female), and discover the effects of four different thinking styles of rumination(provocation-focused experiential rumination, self-focused experiential rumination, provocation-focused analytical rumination, self-focused analytical rumination) on anger and depression. Experiment 1 is 2(emotion induced)x4(Time) two factors mixed experimental design. Emotion induced is between-subjects design, include anger induced and depression induced. Time is a within-subjects design, include emotion baseline(T0), emotion induced(T1), Automatic rumination(T2), and emotion recovered(T3).Dependent variable are Anger, Depression, and the thinking styles of rumination. Experiment 2 will set the hypothesis that base on the result of experiment 1, and try to manipulate different thinking styles of rumination for understanding the effects on anger and depression. Experiment 2 is 2(emotion induced)x4(thinking styles of rumination)x4(Time) three factors mixed experimental design. Thinking styles of rumination is between-subjects design, and the rest independent variables are the same as experiment 1.Dependent variable are depression and anger. Result:Experiment 1 found out that non-clinical sample will use provocation-focused experiential rumination and self-focused experiential rumination when they ruminate anger events and their anger will increase, depression will keep the same. When they ruminate depression, they will use self-focused experiential rumination, and their depression and anger will be the same. In the end, both anger induced group and depression induced group will recovered in T3. Experiment 2 found out that only Time x emotion induced interaction significant, and thinking styles of rumination have no significant, that means different emotion induced group have different effects on anger and depression in three different times. The emotion of anger and depression on anger induced group will maintained after T2 and decreased after T3, the result showed above will be the same as Depression induced group. Discussion:In the past research, anger and depression are strong positive correlation, hence, we try to combine anger and depression into a “negative emotion” as a dependent variable. We found out that negative emotion will maintain after provocation-focused experiential rumination; negative emotion will increased after self-focused experiential rumination; negative emotion will decrease after provocation-focused analytical rumination. In the end, we try to explain the positive correlation between anger and depression by objective self-awareness theory, and we found out that cognitive inhibition impairment is the serious problem in major depression disorder. The implications and limits are also discussed.


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