  • 學位論文

產品資料管理應用於模具廠流程及CNC加工程式之管理與探討 – 以J公司為例

Product Data Management in Mold Factory Processes and CNC Machining Program Management – Case study of J company

指導教授 : 鍾文仁


中小型模具企業往往在遭逢到企業的重大危機或者是大環境的改變時,才會根據目前的現況,來進行企業的改革或流程的改善,這時候很多平常不注重的製造細節流程,就會浮上台面被一一的檢視。現今的大環境自金融危機之後,產品銷售受很大的衝擊,也使得產品銷售週期縮短及產品競爭更激烈,相對的也影響到模具製造時間縮減,品質要求提高、模具開發的難度亦隨著提高,模具企業為取得競爭優勢,紛紛投入大量資金,來改善流程或資訊系統,此改善為目前重要的議題。本研究則針對先進模具廠細節流程及Computer Numerical Control (CNC)加工程式的管理,期望由中小型模具企業管理及CNC加工的新流程與PDM (Product Data Management)產品資料管理系統的整合,發展出一套新的方法流程,以有效的資料整合、控制、管理及存取,改善因為人工管理,而影響發生的圖檔版本錯誤、程式資料遺失,或者是現場操作人員找不到正確的程式資料與圖檔,甚至發生使用錯誤的程式資料,造成模具品質不良釀成企業巨額損失、延誤模具交期等的人為失誤。進一步的整合整個模具廠工作流程,以有效率的管理系統,來協助中小型模具企業應變市場的快速變化,並促使其增強模具工廠的競爭力,提升模具品質與交期,大力節約成本,創造良好的中小型模具企業效益。 本研究從文獻探討著手,先了解有關模具廠細節流程、CNC加工程式的管理與流程,然後搜集國內外先進領導的模具廠成功案例來進行研究,歸納出其關鍵成功因素。接著建構一個模擬系統及流程,並以一台灣本土企業-J公司為導入系統的對象,驗證個案與理論的可行性,並且分析其實際成果與應用情況,希望研究的結論,可以提供中小型模具企業參考。


CNC加工 PDM 先進模具廠


Generally speaking small and medium mold factory will only carry out enterprise reforms or process improvement according to current situation when they encounter major business crisis or major changes in environment. Many unnoticed manufacturing processes will then be inspected one by one. Currently the goods sales are impacted since the subprime mortgage crisis, which also boosts to shorten product sales cycle and makes competition becomes fiercer. Accordingly the mold manufacturing lead time need to be reduced, the product quality need to be improved, and it becomes more difficult to develop mold. To gain competitive advantage, enterprises invest one after another to improve process or information system. How to gain competitive advantage is an important subject at moment. This study is based on detail molding processes management and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining program management. It is expected to develop new methods and processes by integrating small and medium mold factory’s CNC new processes and PDM (Product Data Management). Besides, it is expected to develop integrated Data, controls, management, and access. It will help to solve the problems caused by labor control, such as the lost of programming data, or wrong data input because the operation staff on site can’t find the correct CAD drawing or programming data which may delay the mold delivery time and cause serious losses to company. It can assist small and medium mold factory to cope with the turbulent changing market and promote them to enhance the competitively of mold factories, to improve the mold quality and shorten the delivery time, to save cost, and to create good economic benefit. Based on literature discussion, this study focus on the CNC program management, (fraction defective, and procedures straight). Successful cases of domestic and foreign leading technology mold factory are analysised and key successful factors are summarized. In succession, a series of analog systems and procedures are modelled and a Taiwan mold factory - J Company will model as system object to prove the feasibility of system, to analyze the actual result and application situation. We hope the research result can be a reference to small and medium mold enterprises.


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