  • 學位論文


A Study of Appling Evaluation Criteria on the Planning of Integrative Activities Learning Areas Curriculum in an Elementary School

指導教授 : 簡玉敏


中文摘要 本研究旨在了解國小教師對綜合活動課程計畫評鑑規準之應用歷程;探討國小教師影響課程計畫評鑑規準應用之相關因素;及瞭解課程計畫評鑑規準應用之結果;將原選用之綜合活動課程計畫評鑑規準修訂,發展適合個案學校之課程計畫評鑑規準。根據研究目的,探討課程計畫、課程計畫評鑑、課程計畫評鑑規準、綜合活動學習領域等相關文獻,並選擇桃園縣某國民小學為研究個案,採用質性研究方法(qualitative research),研究期程為九十四學年度,以實地觀察、深入訪談、課程研討與文件分析等方法進行資料的搜集、分析與整理。本研究依據研究發現,歸納之結果如下: 一、完整的學校本位綜合活動學習領域課程計劃模式,其計劃過程應包含課程規劃、課程設計、課程實施與課程評鑑四階段。每一階段相對應的學校組織應各司其職,有助於課程計劃模式的運作。 二、綜合活動學習領域課程計畫評鑑規準可歸納為國家層級、學校性層級及學年性層級,每一層級應有相關的組織負責課程計畫。 三、評鑑規準的層級不同,規準可調整的幅度也就不同。國家層級及學校性層級規準之調整幅度有限,學年性層級規準可依各校實際需求做修正,發展出適合各校的課程計畫評鑑規準。 四、教師應用課程計畫評鑑規準之後的專業成長,分別為以下五大面向:課程計畫評鑑規準、課程計畫、課程與教學、教材編選、綜合活動學習領域。 最後根據研究結果分別針對教育行政機關、師資培育單位、學校行政單位、學校教師,及未來相關研究提出具體建議,做為落實九年一貫學校本位課程之參考。


Abstract This study is to apply evaluation criteria on curriculum planning of Integrative Activities Learning Areas in an elementary school, to discover factors that influence the process of application, to understand the results of the application, and finally to construct new evaluation criteria for the school studied. Trends of literature review include curriculum planning, curriculum evaluation, curriculum evaluation criteria and Integrative Activities Learning Areas. This study employed a qualitative method and an elementary school in Tao-Yuan County was chosen. Data collection included field observation, interviews, and document analysis in academic year of 2004-2005. Results of this study are as follows: 1. The planning process of school-based Integrative Activities Learning Areas curriculum includes the following four stages: curriculum planning, curriculum design, curriculum applying and curriculum evaluation. The corresponding school organization at each stage should fulfill its duties. It could help the operation of curriculum planning. 2. The evaluation criteria of Integrative Activities Learning Areas curriculum planning are divided into three levels: national level, school level and grade level in accordance with different school organizations, which are held responsible for curriculum planning. 3. Extents to adjust criteria are based on different levels of evaluation criteria. The adjustment extents of national level and school level are limited. Criteria of grade level could be revised depend on the actual needs of developing the proper curriculum planning evaluation criteria to the school studied. 4. Teachers’ professional growth included following five dimensions: evaluation criteria of curriculum planning, curriculum plan, curriculum and instruction, selection and compilation of teaching materials, and Integrative Activities Learning Areas. Implications and suggestions are proposed to educational policy, school administration, and teacher preparation program. I also made several recommendations for future researchers.




