  • 學位論文


The Comparative Study of Curriculum Design Cognition between Expert and Novice teachers in Resource Classes at The Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County.

指導教授 : 王文伶


本研究旨在探討目前桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班資深與新手教師課 程設計知能之現況與差異情形,再者,運用訪談了解影響資源班資深與新手教師課程設計知能上差異的重要因素。 為了達到上述研究目的,本研究採問卷調查與訪談調查兩種研究方法。研究者自編「桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班課程設計知能」問卷,採調查方式以桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班教師為研究對象,總計寄出正式問卷201份,回收152份,可用問卷有143份。經整理可用問卷之後,以次數分配、百分比統計分析及單因子多變數變異數分析等統計方法進行分析;為了再進一步了解影響資源班資深與新手教師課程設計知能上差異的重要因素,研究者實際赴校訪談八位國民中小學資源班教師,共獲得以下之結果,茲分述之如下: 一、不同性別的桃園縣國民中小學資深與新手資源班教師在課程設計知能上有顯著差異;國民中小學資深與新手資源班女性教師對於「社交課程」設計知能上的了解多於資深與新手男性教師。 二、不同年齡的桃園縣國民中小學資深與新手資源班教師在課程設計知能上有顯 著差異;「41~50歲」的中小學資深與新手資源班教師對於「功能性生活技 能課程」設計知能上的了解多於「21~30歲」的教師。 三、不同特教培育管道的桃園縣國民中小學資深與新手資源班教師在課程設計知能上無顯著差異; 四、資深與新手桃園縣國民中小學資源班教師在課程設計知能上有顯著差異;資深國民中小學資源班教師對於「功能性生活技能課程」、「社交課程」及「學科教學與補救課程」設計知能上的了解多於新手國民中小學資源班教師。 五、資深資源班教師與新手資源班教師在課程設計知能方面存有差異的重要變數 之一是「教學經驗」的累積。 六、資深資源班教師相較於新手資源班教師更能將特殊教育課程理論落實在實際的教學現場上,能彈性應用線索與訊息並有效依據學生的能力與需求,進行相關課程內容的設計。 七、資深與新手資源班教師均能在提昇自身課程設計知能的信念下,不斷地吸取新知,但在課程內容的向度與深度上則有所不同。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議,以供教育行政機關、師資培育機構、新手資源班教師及後續研究之參考。


For the purpose of investigating the current state and differentiation of curriculum design cognition among expert and novice teachers in the resource classes at the elementary and junior high schools in Taoyuan County, the study was undertaken to explore the issue. Furthermore, the study made use of interviewing to further distinguish the important element of differentiation in terms of curriculum design cognition between expert and novice teachers in resource classes. To make the above-mentioned goal possible, the study adopted two research approaches of questionnaire and interview surveying. The author in person produces the questionnaire of “Curriculum Design Cognition of Resource Room at The Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County”, taking teachers serving in the resource classes as samples and giving out 201 copies with 152 returned and 143 effective. After collection of questionnaires, several statistical analytic methods, for example, the frequency distribution, percentage statistics, One-Way MANOVA were used for analyzing the data. To further explore the crucial factors of differences between expert and novice teachers in resource classes in terms of curriculum design cognition, the author conducts in-person interviews with eight elementary and junior high school teachers. The main results are summarized as follows: 1. Sex accounts for apparent differences; the female teachers outperform the male at the resource classes of elementary and junior high schools in terms of design cognition of the “social course”. 2. Age accounts for apparent differences; the teachers at the age of 41 to 50 surpass those at 21 to 30 at the resource classes of elementary and junior high schools in terms of the “functional life skill course”. 3. Different channels of teacher training or education show no significant differences in terms of curriculum design cognition. 4. Years of teaching experience account for apparent differentiation; the expert teachers outperform the novice in terms of design cognition of the “functional life skill course”, “social course”, and “subject teaching & remedial course”. 5. One of the critical variables in curriculum design cognition between expert and novice teachers is the accumulation of teaching experience. 6. Expert teachers, compared to the novice ones, are more likely to put the theories of special education into practice in the real-life teaching scenarios, apply flexibly clues and information to their teaching in accordance with the needs of students and undertake the design of relevant course content. 7. Having faith in escalating self cognition of course design, teachers, expert and novice alike, keep absorbing new knowledge, but the direction and depth of the course content vary.




