  • 學位論文


A Study of Resource Room Program for Elementary School and Junior High School Students in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 王文伶


本研究旨在探討目前桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班實施現況,以瞭解桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班運作現況、教師專業知能現況、IEP執行情形、課程設計與教學、教具使用、互動情形、遭遇的困難等相關問題。 研究者自編「桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班實施現況」問卷,採調查方式,以桃園縣國民中小學身心障礙資源班教師為研究對象,總計寄出正式問卷251份,經回收218份,可用問卷有206份。經整理可用問卷之後,以次數分配、百分比統計分析及卡方獨立性考驗等統計方法予以統計分析,經由這些分析之後,獲得以下之結果,茲分述之如下: 一、桃園縣國中小身心障礙資源班以成班4-6年居多,國中小身心障礙資源班學生主要以領有身心障礙手冊為主,而在排課方式國中小均以抽離式、外加式兩者並用為主。 二、桃園縣國中小身心障礙資源班教師主要工作是以課程設計及教學為優先,其次是學生鑑定或評量;另外資源班教師會以教學方法為教師進修的優先考量項目,其次為學習策略。 三、桃園縣國中小身心障礙資源班教師認為個別化教育計劃代表著學生個別的長程與短程計劃。在撰寫學生個別化教育計劃時,多數的桃園縣國中小資源班教師認為是有困難,而主要困難的原因是因為對IEP需要經常修改而導致極大的工作量。 四、桃園縣國中小身心障礙資源班教學是以學科補救與基本能力教學為多數。在基本能力教學內容上是以情緒管理為優先,其次為社會人際技能;桃園縣國小資源班教師負責教學時,多數並以無其他人員協助教學活動,而桃園縣國中資源班,則以實習教師協助教學活動為居多。 五、桃園縣國小資源班教師在教具準備方面多採用現成教具;國中資源班教師則多以自行製作教具為主。資源班教師在自行製作教具上有超過九成認為有困難,其遭遇的主要困難項目為自行製作教具過於耗時。 六、桃園縣國小資源班教師與普通班老師互動情形,主要是以教學設備與教材的互通為多,而國中資源班教師與普通班老師互動則以共同評量學生為多。 七、目前資源班教師認為桃園縣國中小身心障礙資源班可優先考慮的改善項目主要為編選教材;而國中小資源班教師有超過九成認為目前經營資源班有困難;其遭遇的主要困難項目為學生人數過多。 八、在卡方考驗發現:不同性別的資源班教師在自行製作教具上有達顯著差異;以及國中與國小資源班教師在購置現成教具上有達顯著差異。


資源班教師 資源班


The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of resource room program for elementary school and junior high school students in Taoyuan County. It is hoped to understand about the interaction and functioning of resource classes, the execution of IEP, the design of curriculum and instruction, special education training and the teaching barrier. The researcher designed the questionnaire of "Current Status of Resource Rooms at Elementary School and Junior High School in Taoyuan County". Participants were teachers from resource rooms at elementary school and junior high school in Taoyuan County. Totally 218 out of 251 subjects replied. The 206 valid questionnaires from the 218 returned ones were collected and analyzed using frequencies, percentages and chi-square tests. The following conclusions were reached: 1.Most resource classes of junior high schools and elementary schools in Taoyuan County are established for four to six years and most of students hold the physically and mentally handicapped manuals. On the arrangement of courses, most of classes adopt both extracting method and adding method. 2.Designing teaching courses and teaching are priority works for the teachers in the resource classes in Taoyuan County assessment appraisal and evaluation of students are also their important works. Besides, the teachers usually consider teaching method as a priority for advanced studies, and learning strategy is a second. 3.Most of teachers in the resource classes in junior high schools and elementary schools in Taoyuan County think that individualized educational plans represent long-term and short-term plans for students with disabilities. Most of teachers in the resource classes in Taoyuan County think that it is difficult for them to draft students’ individualized educational plans. The most important reason is that the plans often need repeated modifications and thus cause heavy workload. 4.Most resource class teachers of junior high schools and elementary schools in Taoyuan County focus their teaching works on learning remedy and basic abilities teaching. Emotional management is the top priority in the contents of basic abilities teaching, followed by social and interpersonal skills. In the elementary schools in Taoyuan County, in addition to teaching, most of teachers in resources classes have no other people to assist their teaching activities while in most resource classes of junior high schools, practice teachers can assist teaching activities. 5.On the preparation of teaching tools, most of teachers in resource classes of elementary schools in Taoyuan County use existing teaching tools while most of teachers in resource classes of junior high schools in Taoyuan County use self-made teaching tools. But more than 90% of teachers in resource classes think that it is difficult to make teaching tools by themselves. The most important reason is that making teaching tools is viewed as a time-consuming work. 6.Most of interactions between teachers in resource classes and teachers in normal classes of elementary schools in Taoyuan County are interflowing of teaching equipments and teaching materials while most of interactions between teachers in resource classes and teachers in normal classes of junior high schools are common evaluation of students. 7.The teachers in resource schools think that the most important items for improvement in the resource classes in elementary schools and junior high schools in Taoyuan County are editing and selecting teaching materials. More than 90% of surveyed teachers feel that they find difficult to manage resource classes and one of the most important difficulties is too many students in class. 8.The results of chi-Square tests show that there is significant difference on self-made teaching tools between male and female teachers in resource classes. Besides, there is another significant difference on purchasing teaching tools between teachers in elementary schools and teachers in junior high schools.


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