  • 學位論文


A study of the products/service quality and the customer lifetime value

指導教授 : 廖本哲


回顧過去40餘年,台灣汽車業發展歷經裕隆獨佔時期、少數寡佔時期和自由化競爭發展時期,到2000年後為加入WTO的全球競爭時期。國產車市場經業者多年努力,品質普遍獲得國人肯定,但台灣加入WTO後,國內汽車廠商除了面臨進口車關稅逐年調降的壓力,也要滿足顧客多元化的需求。汽車產業爭取新顧客的花費,比起其他產業毫不遜色,台灣2002 年汽車產業廣告量成長驚人,成為各行業廣告量排行榜龍頭(范碧珍2003),然而汽車產業近十年來的銷售量卻未跟著同步成長。我國汽車廠商在競爭如此激烈的產業環中,除了爭取市場上的新顧客外,留住現有的顧客更是一件非常重要的工作,擁有持續性競爭優勢的關鍵在於提供高品質的產品與服務,藉由強化產品與服務品質,提升顧客滿意與顧客忠誠,進而與現有的顧客發展更緊密的關係。本研究以產品/服務品質探討顧客滿意度與顧客終身價值之關係。 本研究目的在探討產品/服務品質對顧客滿意與忠誠度之影響,進而研究顧客忠誠對顧客終身價值之影響。在問巻設計方面,根據參考文獻,發展汽車產品/服務品質構面來衡量整體顧客滿意;參考學者對顧客忠誠與顧客終身價值的定義與構面來進行衡量,並以迴歸分析與路徑分析探討產品/服務品質、整體顧客滿意、顧客忠誠與顧客終身價值之關係。本研究以國產汽車Toyota Vios轎車車主為研究對象,共發放300份問巻,有效回收樣本284份,有效回收率為94.67%。經相關統計軟體分析後,本研究得到以下幾點結論: 1. 產品/服務品質與整體顧客滿意關係存在顯著正向關係。 2. 整體顧客滿意與再購意願與推薦他人皆呈顯著正向關係。 3. 顧客忠誠與顧客終身價值之關係沒有顯著正向關係。 顧客忠誠與顧客終身價值之關係沒有顯著正向關係之原因為:未考量因果關係影響、未考量車主對汽車的使用頻率與習慣及顧客終身價值部分屬開放性問題,部分填答者在填寫次數與金額時有未推估清楚的情形產生,故影響研究結果。 本研究發現,大部分的顧客對於汽車的產品/服務品質是相當重視的,而汽車的產品/服務品質也會連帶影響顧客的滿意度、再購率、介紹率、忠誠度等,因此,各汽車廠商不應一昧的將重點與經費放在廣告、價格促銷與研發上,應將部分注意力放在提升顧客對公司產品/服務品質滿意度,創造更高的顧客價值,跳脫以銷售為唯一目的思考巢臼,並重視顧客的質,由於不是所有的顧客都對公司的財務都具有吸引力,重要的是根據顧客終身價值去決定那些有獲利性的顧客並做資源的配置,以掌握最有價值的顧客,同時正確地提供服務給顧客,讓顧客待在企業內,進而與現在顧客發展更緊密、特別的顧客關係,才是汽車廠商的根本生存之道。


After joining WTO, Taiwan automobile market facing many competitions and pressures come from the import tax reduction and the customers have the variety of needs. In such situations, Taiwan automobile market want to maintain long-term profit, have to understand the customer’s need , maintain customer’s satisfaction and loyalty, and develop the long-term relationship with customer. The purpose of this study is to investigate the product/service quality will influence the customer satisfaction, the customer satisfaction will influence the customer loyalty and the customer loyalty will influence the customer lifetime value. The questionnaire aim at the customers of TOYOTA company. The questionnaire issues 300 copies totally, valid return with 284 copies, valid return rate is 94.67%. According to the definition, the customer loyalty is evaluated with repurchase intention and recommendation, and the customer lifetime value is evaluated with usage factor and word of mouth. The regression analysis and the path analysis are used to inquire into the relationship of the customer satisfaction, the customer loyalty and the customer lifetime value. The statistic software SPSS is used to approach the analysis with the conclusion as follows: 1. The products/service quality has the significant influence with the customer satisfaction. The products/service quality is high and the customer satisfaction is high as well. 2. The customer satisfaction has the significant influence with the customer loyalty. The customer satisfaction is high and the customer loyalty is high as well. 3. The customer loyalty and the customer lifetime value have no significant effect. The conclusions appeared that the products/service quality will affect customer satisfaction、repurchase ratio、recommendation and customer loyalty. For our automobile industry, beside the price discount, R&D and advertisement, maintain the customer loyalty and develop the long-term relationship with the customers are also important as well.


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