  • 學位論文


Study of Chungli Urban Park Improvement from Age-Friendly Perspective

指導教授 : 趙家麟 曹拯元


臺灣人口高齡化的現象已成為顯學,高齡者因為生理、心理等各方面退化所帶來的生活不便,遠超乎我們的想像,因此為因應人口高齡化,臺灣各城市皆紛紛推動「高齡友善城市(Age-Friendly Cities)」計畫,希望從政策、福利、環境規劃等方面著手,致力積極打造符合高齡族群的生活環境。本研究以「高齡友善城市」的觀念作為基礎,探討中壢都市之可能公共議題,經由文獻發現在都市中高齡者使用頻率最高的環境為公園,因此針對都市中的「公園」環境作為本研究的探討主軸。 都市中的公園對於高齡者來說,應是扮演促進健康、促進活躍老化的角色,而臺灣大多數都市中的公園皆為較早期的設計,對應現今人口高齡比例逐漸增加的時代,應該會出現空間環境不敷使用的狀況,故針對高齡者而進行都市中公園環境的更新改善,即變為當下需要積極面對的事情;新竹市為了增進高齡者使用的公園環境,已有「高齡友善公園(Age-Friendly Park)」之雛形觀念,但是綜觀臺灣,仍尚未有明確的高齡友善公園指標訂定出來,因此本研究的目的之一即是嘗試為高齡者擬定出符合臺灣使用的「高齡友善公園指標」。 綜上所述,本研究的主軸即為「運用高齡友善公園觀點,探討都市公園之改善原則」,為了達到這樣的總目標,透過文獻內容的回顧以及論述的整理,訂出以下四點研究目的: 1. 藉由文獻回顧,彙整出臺灣高齡友善公園指標。 2. 運用高齡友善公園指標,探討高齡者對都市公園環境之滿意度。 3. 藉由滿意度調查結果,觀察高齡者在都市公園中的環境問題。 4. 彙整觀察結果,提出中壢地區都市公園之改善方式。 為達成上述之研究目的,在研究時間、資源的限制下,本研究透過以下四種研究方法進行研究: 1. 爬梳國外文獻,彙整出高齡友善公園指標。 2. 利用高齡友善公園指標作為設計問卷的基礎,並以問卷調查法了解高齡者對公園環境現況之滿意度。 3. 以描述性統計方法,整理出問卷調查滿意度較差的環境。 4. 彙整滿意度較差的環境,以行為觀察法了解環境現況實質問題。 最後,研究結論彙整出高齡友善公園指標;並根據觀察結果,同時參考公共空間設計原則相關文獻,提出現況中壢地區都市公園環境之改善原則,作為後續高齡友善公園環境研究之參考。


Ageing in Taiwan has become a significant topic. It is far beyond our imagination that daily activity difficulties caused by physiological and psychological degeneration can be serious. Therefore, “Age-Friendly Cities Project” has been carried out in many of cities in Taiwan in response to the ageing issue. The project aims for establishing an ideal living environment for aged people. It takes measures in several ways such as policy, welfare and environment. This study is based on concept of “Aged-Friendly cities”to discuss the subject of city public space. It has been found that park was the most popular place in which aged people went. Hence, the study focused on environments of“parks” in cities as the main object. Urban parks provides a health improving and energizing environment to aged people. However, the majority of urban parks in Taiwan were built decades ago. As aged population has been gradually increasing, lack of space would become an issue. The supply would fall short of damand. Thus, upgrading city parks’ environment for elderly is vital for the time being. A preliminary concept of “Age-Friendly Park” has been established in Hsinchu City to improve park environment quality for elderly. Nevertheless generally speaking in Taiwan, There is still no specific protocol for “Age-Friendly Park”. Therefore, one of the aims in this study is to elaborate “Age-Friendly Park Principles” for Taiwanese aged population. To sum up, the object of the study is “discussion of applying Age-Friendly Park concept to urban parks’ improving criteria”. To meet the object, there were four research purposes categorized through referenece reading and studying: 1. By literature review, specified Taiwanese age- friendly park principles. 2. Discussing elderly’s satisfaction on urban park environments through age-friendly park principles. 3. As a result of elderly satisfaction statistics, identified the conundrums which elderly might confront in urban park environments. 4. To sum up the investigation results, concluded Chungli District urban parks improving ways. To meet the previous four research purposes, under the limitation of time and resources. This study has summarized four research methods: 1. Refering to overseas studies, classified age- friendly park principles. 2. By using age-friendly park principles, established questionnaires. Moreover, this study acquired the results of elderly satisfaction on park environments through questionnaire survey. 3. By using descriptive statistics, specified the poor environments. 4. Classifying low satisfactory environments and discover the essential problems by the method of behavior observation. In conclusion, the study classified age-friendly park principles. Furthermore, in accordance with the investigation results and the design principle of public space references, identified urban park environmental improving principles in current Chungli. In turn, as a reference of age-friendly park principles.


