  • 學位論文


The Talent Management for the Eighth Graders

指導教授 : 王如鈺


在全球化白熱化競爭及少子化所產生的搶獵人才效應之下,民間企業一方面仍舊以不景氣無薪假或功能性裁員方式對待員工,一方面也全力尋求高創價的人才潛力股。八年級生新世代以全然不同的身段投入企業,在企業主看來是瑰寶還是茶包尚未可知,但把八年級生視為台灣未來的重要人力資源,應是企業主基本可接受的立場。 本研究主要透過與不同型態組織的主管訪談之方式,從主管的對應經驗及所思所見,找到八年級的價值取向和表現潛能。另,受訪主管同時填寫以House的路徑—目標領導模式為基模的問卷,藉以概類確定受訪主管的四種領導行為:(1)指導型、(2)支援型、(3) 參與型及(4)成就導向型。以受訪資料佐以問卷分類做資料比對分析,針對八年級生的工作準備成熟程度,及組織所提供的制度及措施,從激勵、溝通及領導三方面發展歷程中產生影響,並檢試推論主管、組織及八年級生三方面交互作用,結果導向組織績效提昇及個人工作滿意的未來性。 基於路徑—目標領導模式,主管主要的工作是提供部屬指導和協助,確保他們達成個人績效目標,且未來的目標與群體或組織的整體目標相容。主管的領導行為風格可以具綜合面向,不受「四者取一」的限制,問卷結果獲知受訪主管對八年級生的領導行為,居多者主要採「成就導向型」風格,由見主管務求整體目標的提昇,為八年級生設定具挑戰性的目標,預約他們的未來,同時也關心八年級生的需求。由於主管是具有專業技能、企業理念及人性瞭解的人物,「支持型」八年級生的行為風格實屬必然,而就八年級生而言,更重要的是,支持八年級生的主管,也是八年級生所支持的主管。 本研究的目的希能提出運用於八年級員工的管理與領導方式,足茲台灣企業參考與建議。研究重點在於瞭解以八年級生所具有的特質,組織管理者應如何作有效動態的交流,管理领導的過程或模型是否符合組織發展的規劃與控制,主管透過有效的管理領導,成為八年級生的領導人,培育、創造及留住八年級人才,以促成企業進步和國際競爭優勢。


Neglecting the consequences of fewer children and head hunter talent, the entrepreneurs keep on taking action in recession leave as well as functional redundancy for their employee. On the other hand, those private companies are under high stress in globalization competition and eagerly seek the talent potentials to create the possible prosperity in the future. Therefore, the performance of government units is not limited to some routine works, there will be more missions appealed to be creative and profitable than before. The Eighth Graders, the Younger Generation in Taiwan with birth years of 1991 ~ 2000, are taking the chance to join in one of the businesses to start up their first job in the life. Apparently different from those employees of X Generation and the Boomers, they are quite similar to their counterparts in Y Z Generation in many aspects. And the bosses should accept them as the key human resources for the future no matter how will they be treated as the valued or the replaceable ones. Interviewing with the supervisors from various organizations, the value and performance potential of the Eighth Graders might be perceived from the thought and the experiences of the supervisors as well in this study. Those supervisors will be asked to fill the questionnaire in purpose for setting the corresponding Model of the Path-Goal theory. The leader behaviors of theirs will be modulated as listing: (1) the directive, (2) the supportive, (3) the participative, and (4) the achievement- oriented ones. The study will be focused on the interactions among the organization genres, the subordinate behaviors of the Eighth Graders as well as the leader behaviors. The supervisor should find the ways to assist the stated subordinates to get through the goal. And questionnaire of the study found that the supportive and achievement-oriented leader behaviors are the suitable ones for the Eighth Graders. Surveyed the interviewing data, the maturity of the Eighth Graders can be found by some degree and the aspects of talent dimensions in motivation, communication and leadership will be measured as their favorites . The purpose of the study is trying to find out some suggestions of the talent management for the supervisors to some extent. Resulted from the leadership, the Eighth Graders may be willing to stay happy within the organization and work hard to upgrade the personal performance as well as the organization performance.


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