  • 學位論文


A Study on Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in Construction Contracts Practice

指導教授 : 姚志明


營建工程之法律關係具有高度複雜性,其所牽涉之層面甚廣,包含資金龐大、參與人員眾多以及履約期間長、契約內容及文件繁瑣複雜、風險性高等特性,公共工程更含有公共利益之需求,營建工程是具有高度技術性及專業性需求之行業,因具有上述特性,營建工程亦是特別容易產生糾紛之行業。觀察我國工程案件,最易產生糾紛為施工階段,即履約期間,而糾紛之類型又以計價爭議、履約期間爭議為多,當事人多為請求價金增減以及工期長短等為爭執,情事變更原則即為當事人經常使用之請求權基礎,惟我國實務判決中,對情事變更原則構成要件之認定似無一致之見解,造成相似背景之案件因不同審判者而有相異之結果。此乃生本論文探究之動機。 本論文首先就情事變更原則為論述,除我國情事變更原則之規定外,並介紹德國之行為基礎理論,期盼對情事變更原則能有通盤完整之了解。後就工程契約之性質、特性及糾紛處理方式加以介紹,再整理實務上常見之三種工程糾紛,以期對於工程糾紛之類型及生成原因有所了解,便於理解本論文所欲研究之核心─情事變更原則適用於工程案件之判決。 本論文以2010年至2015年之最高法院判決為研究對象,探究最高法院對於情事變更原則之見解,主要探討之事實為物價波動、工期展延、變更設計及其他等四種類型,於每種類型中探討最高法院對於適用情事變更原則之見解,並分析我國目前實務關於情事變更原則認定之走向。


The Construction contracts legal relationship is highly complex. It involved many of issue, such as huge financial problem, the long period to perform the contract, many participates, the content of contract are complex and it containing potential high risk . The public construction are also demanded for public interest. Construction industry are highly technical and highly professional. Due to the characteristics describe above, construction is a kind of industry easily to have dispute. In Taiwan , Construction stage is prone to have disputes, especially for price and period . The claims based that the parties often used is Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus. But the judgment always have different opinions in similar cases. It is the motivation that I write this thesis. First, this thesis discuss「Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus」 of Taiwan, and then , introduce「Die Lehre von der Störung der Geschäftsgrundlage」(German)of Germany, expect to be able to have complete understanding of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in Taiwan. Furthermore,this thesis introduce the construction contracts, and probe three kinds of disputes that often occur in construction contracts. After that, we can understanding the core research of this thesis ─the Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus applied to construction contracts judgment practice in Taiwan. The research objectives of this thesis is the Supreme Court of judgements from A.D.2010 to 2015. Discussion of the main facts are payment adjustment on the price of materials, extension of time and design changes. We discussioning on each type of opinions whcih the Surpreme Court applies the principle of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus. And we analyze the trends of current prcatice of the principles of the Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in Taiwan.


