  • 學位論文


The Planning and Design of Healing Villa

指導教授 : 劉時泳


首次與宜蘭的「逢春園民宿」合作,將針對園區增建之療癒空間、軟硬體設備、經營願景及在地特色等提出合宜的設計藍圖,讓嶄新的園區兼具觀光體驗、療癒舒壓,對人與自然環境的連結,傳達了場所精神中「天、地、人、神」四位一體的生活本質。 本研究先根據探究宜蘭民宿產業演進歷程,並對宜蘭民宿產業之現況做釐清,得知民宿產業現今面面臨的問題,其開始探究與地方資源特色之結合,並以體驗經濟的觀點,了解在民宿產業中體驗經濟所扮演的角色,形塑出提供逢春園民宿對於體驗設計上的考量,再深入探究療癒環境之要素,利用療癒環境中其環境認知,增添療癒功效之性質為逢春園民宿增加附加價值。此外,篩選類似性質之特色民宿空間進行案例分析,進一步了解對於民宿建築形式與材質、空間形式區劃與動線安排、獨特的體驗特色,所產生的精神意涵與心靈回饋,提出本研究分析歸納之優勢,作為運用至本研究逢春園民宿規劃設計研究之建議。 進入設計規劃階段,反覆與民宿主人反覆進行會議討論,其了解預期需求,以確立未來營運走向,提出對逢春園民宿之未來經營願景與宜蘭旅客之性質,民宿位置的地理環境與基地現況之分析、業主空間需求與空間定性定量,以及建築法規的規範限制,進而以療癒感知之哲學轉化成設計語彙的建構。 本研究以逢春園民宿設計案,不以特定形式與風格,講究對於空間與土地特色間連結的思維,整體以簡單樸質、動線順暢及在地特色為主,並對於在地特色營造為念,促成民宿與在地特色資源之整合,使逢春園民宿呈現獨特的面貌。


It is the first collaboration with Feng-Chun Villa in Yilan. The blueprint of design focuses on the enlargement of healing space, facilities, management perspective, and local features, which reveals the connection between human and nature. The brand new space will combine tourism and healing, which conveys the essence of life and the spirit of “nature, earth, human, and faith”. In this study, the first thing is to clear about the current situation of B&B Industry according to the gradual progress of process. Detecting the problems of the B&B Industry and to explore the combination with the local resources and features; also, with the perspective on Experience Economy, knowing what kind of role Experience Economy plays in the B&B Industry. Considering an applicable way to design Feng-Chun Villa; furthermore, to explore thoroughly the fundamental elements of healing environment. Using the cognition of environment to advance the effect of healing that also could increase the additive value of Feng-Chun Villa. Furthermore, to proceed the case analysis from similar B&B, to comprehend the meaning of spirit and the feedbacks of soul by going deep into the knowing of the architecture, the classification of spaces , the arrangements of traffic flow and the unique features of experience. Learn the advantages of the research that will be subsumed into the study design of Feng-Chun Villa. In the stage of scheming, the research team repeatedly negotiates with the owner of Feng-Chun Villa to understand their needs and expectations in order to settle a concrete direction of future running. This proposal offers suggestions for the future prospect of Feng-Chun Villa and for determining the targeting tourists; besides, offers an analysis according to geographic environment and current situation of the base. Also, the research team takes consideration of the host’s demands and the quality and quantity of the space, well aware of the laws and regulations of the architecture. Moreover, go in-depth to the inner sensation of healing and then convert it to the framework of designing. This research takes Feng-Chun Villa as a design project, which is not under any specific forms or styles but only concerning the thought about the connection between space and land. It mainly accentuates the simple and unadorned essence, the smooth traffic flow and the characteristics of the local region. Last but not least, this project emphasizes on the local constructions and the integration of Villa and local distinguishing resources, which makes Feng-Chun Villa to exhibit a unique appearance and atmosphere.



