  • 學位論文

關係連結、信任與顧客忠誠度之關聯性研究 -以某固網電信業者為例-

A Study of the Relationships among Relational Bonds, Trust and Customer Loyalty -A Case of a Fixed Network Service Supplier-

指導教授 : 廖本哲


隨著我國電信市場自由化程度的提高,固網電信服務產業的競爭也日益激烈,如何在市場中爭取到客戶,進而與顧客維持良好關係以使顧客願意繼續購買產品與服務也變為極為重要的。 本研究之目的在於探討以固網服務業與其企業用戶間之關係聯結為自變數,透過信任為中介變數,對應變數顧客忠誠度的影響,係採用問卷調查法,並以某固網電信業者之企業用戶為研究對象,共發出500 份問卷,回收後獲有效問卷為324份。研究結果顯示: 1. 企業用戶會因所在位置、使用時間、每月消費金額不同等差異而對關係連結、信任與顧客忠誠度的部分構面認知有所差異。 2. 關係連結對信任具有顯著性影響 3. 信任對顧客忠誠度具有顯著性影響 4. 關係連結對顧客忠誠度具有顯著性影響 5. 信任會降低原有關係連結對「重購意願」的多數直接作用 6. 信任會降低原有關係連結對「交叉性購買」的少數直接作用 7. 信任會降低原有關係連結對「向他人推薦」的全數直接作用


關係連結 信任 顧客忠誠度


The level of liberalization in the Telecom industrial is higher, the competition in the fixed network service supplier is more intensive. How to conquer & persuade the customer to buy the product & the service? That’s why to keep the good relationship with the client is become more & more important. This research discusses the relationships among relational bonds, trust and customer loyalty in the customers of a fixed network service supplier. The study is conducted with a questionnaire survey, sampling population of members in customers of the supplier. 500 customers were requested to answer the questionnaire. And the effective respondents were 324. The research uses descriptive statistics, multi-variation variables analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and various statistics tests to verify study assumptions and to interpret the result of study. Results from the above listed analysis show as follows: 1. Different individual factors of customers show partial remarkable difference on relational bonds, trust and customer loyalty. 2. It shows remarkable relations between relational bonds and trust. 3. It shows remarkable partial relations between trust and customer loyalty. 4. It shows remarkable relations between relational bonds and customer loyalty. 5. It shows trust would degrade the more impact of relational bonds on intention to repurchase. 6. It shows trust would degrade the less impact of relational bonds on cross-buying. 7. It shows trust would degrade the total impact of relational bonds on recommendation to others.


Relational Bonds Trust Customer Loyalty


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