  • 學位論文


The Application of the Readers Theatre in Chinese Literacy Instruction in a Special Educational Class of the Junior High School --- An Action Research

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究旨在探討如何應用讀者劇場於國中特教班國文科教學之教學,研究結果將呈現教學歷程、學生的學習感受、教師在教學現場所面臨的問題及其解決之道、學生朗讀流暢度之改變情形,以及研究者專業知能改變的情形。 本研究採用行動研究法,以研究者任教的國中特教班國文E組七位學生為研究對象,實際教學時間共三十九堂課,透過質性資料和量化資料的收集與分析,探討整理後進行研究結果之撰寫。 本研究之主要結論分為五部分: 一、漸進式的課程規劃及教學步驟的調整修正可讓應用讀者劇場於國中特教班國文科教學之教學歷程順利實施。本研究依據不同的教材及教學任務,發展出應用讀者劇場於國中特教班國文科教學之詳細四個教學步驟。 二、教師能針對應用讀者劇場於國中特教班國文科教學現場所面臨的問題提出解決之道。其問題包括:教師對於暖身活動或遊戲的選擇缺乏經驗、學生對於讀者劇場表格的填寫有難度、學生不懂如何將討論內容聚焦成劇本台詞、學生的文字書寫能力不足、編寫劇本的時間不足、小組合作出現瓶頸、朗讀時出現諸多待改進的狀況及場地的限制。 三、學生對應用讀者劇場教學於國中特教班國文科教學普遍持正向態度。其中最感到有趣的教學活動是”影片欣賞和聲音遊戲”;最感到困難的教學活動是”編寫劇本台詞”。 四、應用讀者劇場於國中特教班國文科教學確實能提升學生的朗讀流暢度。 五、研究者在讀者劇場教學的實施技巧及特教班國文科教學的課程設計、教學技巧及教學調整的專業知能上有所提升。 根據以上結論,本研究提出建議,以提供未來對此領域有興趣之教師及研究者參考。


The purpose of this research is to explore the teaching process of the Readers Theatre in Chinese literacy instruction in a special education class of the junior high school, the learning experiences of the students in the process, the problems faced by the teachers in the teaching process and their solutions, the impact on the students' reading fluency, and finally the influence of the professional improvement on the Researcher. The action research method was carried out in this study among the seven subjects of the group E, which was taught by the researcher. Overall the actual teaching went through thirty-nine lesson sessions. Through the collection and analysis of qualitative data and quantitative data five conclusions were found: First, the application of the Readers Theatre in Chinese literacy instruction in a special education class of the junior high school is made possible through progressive curriculum planning and adjustment of steps during instruction. Based on different teaching materials and teaching tasks, this research develops four detailed teaching steps when this instruction is applied. Second, teachers are able to come up with solutions to all problems during the instruction. The problems include: the lack of teaching experience in warm-up activities or games, the difficulty of students’ filling in the RT Map, the difficulty of students’ concentration on script lines discussion, the lack of students' writing ability, the limitation of script writing time, the difficult of teamwork and oral reading, and the site constraints. Third, most students show positive attitude to the approach applied in this study. One of the most interesting teaching activities is "movie comprehension and sound games". For them, the most difficult teaching activity is "writing script lines." Fourth, students improve their oral reading fluency at the end of the study. Fifth, the researcher has improved skill in the implementation of the Readers Theatre instruction and curriculum design, teaching techniques and teaching adjustment in the teaching in Chinese literacy instruction in a special education class of the junior high school. Based on the above conclusions recommendations were given for the practice and future research.


