  • 學位論文


A Study of Reading Comprehension Scaffoldings in a Special School.

指導教授 : 何素華


啟智學校高職部閱讀理解教學鷹架之分析研究 摘 要 本研究藉由實地觀察啟智學校資深教師在高職部二年級的閱讀理解教學,分析教師在教學過程中所使用的鷹架及其功能,並探究其搭建鷹架時,所遇到的困難及其因應之道。 本研究以質性研究的方法蒐集分析資料,研究發現如下: 一、教師提供的鷹架有八類,即「調整提問的問題及發問的方式」、「提示」、「輔助瞭解」、「澄清」、「示範」、「調整作業形式」、「大聲唸出」、以及「協助完成部分作業」;其中前四類是閱讀理解鷹架,後三類只應用在作業指導,而後二類是本研究觀察場域所獨見。在不同的教學活動中,教師偏重使用某些類別的鷹架,但通常同時併用多種鷹架,並以學生優勢部分來支持其弱勢部分的學習。教師盡量轉移學習責任,但未能撤離鷹架。 二、教師在閱讀理解教學中所使用之鷹架的功能有六種,即「促進理解」、「激發思考」、「減少混淆」、「引發參與」、「促進獨立學習」、以及「控制挫折感」;其中前三者是閱讀理解鷹架的主要功能;「引發參與」及「促進獨立學習」是部分鷹架的次要功能;而「控制挫折感」是作業鷹架的功能。單一鷹架可能具備多種功能,而不同鷹架也可能具備相同功能。 三、教師搭建鷹架的困難,主要在於根據學生的能力及學習特質搭建適當的鷹架。其原因是班級學生人數太多、學生個別差異太大,致使教師提供鷹架時,未能總是由最少協助開始搭建鷹架;對於反應較慢的學生也未能總是持續地提供鷹架或給予足夠的等待時間直到學生能做出正確反應。針對上述困難,教師事先敦請家長為學生補充課文的相關生活經驗,並於教學中提醒已經會的學生暫時別說出答案,然後為反應較慢的學生安排個別的表現機會、節奏較慢的對話、給予充分的思考時間、以及一對一的鷹架指導。研究者並根據研究發現,提供省思及教學和後續研究上的建議。


A Study of Reading Comprehension Scaffoldings in A Special School. ABSTRACT Through participant observation of an experienced teacher in teaching eleventh-grade mentally retarded students reading comprehension class of a special school, this study intended to find out the patterns and functions of scaffoldings provided by the teacher to facilitate students’ reading comprehension learning. In addition, the study also investigated the difficulties that teacher encountered with when scaffolding the whole class and the strategies to deal with the problems. A qualitative research method was employed to collect and analyze data. Findings were as follows: 1. Scaffolds provided by teacher include adjusting question and questioning form, cuing, assistant explanation, clarification, demonstration, adjusting assignment form, read aloud, and assisting part of assignment, where the first four categories were for reading comprehension and the last two categories were only found in this study and were used in conducting assignment. Different kinds of scaffolds were especially used in different kind of teaching activities. Generally teacher combined various kinds of scaffolding, and usually provided the scaffolds help by the strength part to support students’ weakness part. Teacher tried best to transfer learning responsibilities but couldn’t withdraw the scaffolds. 2. Functions of these scaffolding were encourage thinking, promote comprehension, reduce confusion, enhance participation, encourage independent learning, and control frustration, while the first three were main function of comprehension scaffolds; whereas enhance participation and encourage independent learning were the secondary function. Lastly, the control frustration was particular function by the assignment’s scaffolds. Single scaffold may have multiple functions, and different scaffold may have the same function. 3. Due to the great denseness in the class and individual difference between the students, it was hard for the teacher to provide suitable scaffold that matched the ability and learning characteristics of every individual student. Teacher could not always provide the least support for the student, and also could not always scaffold or giving sufficient time for the slower students till they made out the right answer. The solutions for those difficulties included asking the students’ parent to replenish the experience that related to the text in advance, and to remind the student not to speak out the answer if they were not been asked. The teacher also mapped out opportunity for the slower students to have their personal performance chance, slower pace conversation, sufficient time to think over, and individualized scaffold instruction. In additions, the researcher shared some of reflective thinking of what had learned. Based on the findings, the researcher provided some instructional and research suggestions.




