  • 學位論文

基督教教牧輔導對憂鬱傾向受輔者的影響歷程分析 ~~~以「內在治癒」模式為例

A Study of the Impact of Pastoral Counseling on Depression ~~~An Inner Healing Model

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc9f60e4)




教牧輔導 內在治癒 憂鬱


The theme of this study was to discover the impact and the experience on depression by Christian pastoral counseling. The main purpose of this study was to explore the change process of the counselees, when the counselor used the inner healing model of pastoral counseling in the counseling process. Four counselees, including Christians or Christian seekers, who were depressed, were transferred for the study. The counselor, a female Christian, was trained to use the inner healing and to apply this technique in the counseling process. Each counselee received 4-6 sessions of brief counseling from the counselor. The whole process of each counseling session was taped and transcribed to verbatim. After completing every 2 counseling sessions, the counselee was interviewed for collecting data about the experiences from the counseling session. The qualitative analysis method was used to analyze the functions and enlightenings of the Holy Spirit in pastoral counseling, the inner healing events, the counselees’ inner healing process, and its impacts on the counselees in different dimensions. The results indicated: 1. Various functions and enlightenings of the Holy Spirit were discovered, 4 counselees and the counselor experienced 18 enlightenings totally. 2. Four counselees experienced 22 inner healing events inspired by the Holy Spirit. 3. Five stages of the inner healing process were identified. 4. Influences and transformations on the counselees on relationships with God, others, things and self respectively were discovered. 5. A significant difference was found in comparison on the pre-test and post-test of BDI and BHS on four counselees. Finally, based on the findings of this study, suggestions for future studies and implications were made.


pastoral counseling inner healing depression


陳美淑 (2007)。《大專院校學生靈性、工作價值觀與生涯抉擇之調查研究:以基督教團契學生為例》,暨南大學心理與輔導研究所碩士論文(未出版)。


