  • 學位論文


A wearable sleep quality assessment system

指導教授 : 蔡育秀


睡眠品質不佳是現代人常見的疾病,患者除了在日常作息會精神不濟之外,患有心血管相關疾病機率也會比一般人還高,然而患者本身都不知道患有此疾病,因此如何有效的發現這些病患並即時的治療便是一個重要的方法;以現況來說,睡眠檢查還是以多重生理訊號記錄儀(Polysomnography, PSG)為主,但卻有儀器昂貴,量測導線過多與醫療人力負擔過重等缺點;因此居家睡眠量測是一個較佳的方法,此法簡化了量測訊號讓患者於自家接受量測,讓受測者可以更舒適的接受檢查。 本論文主要目的在於建構一套具短距離無線可攜式睡眠偵測儀器,應用範圍包括了睡眠品質與睡眠呼吸中止症。系統前端方面透過手錶配戴的方式收集於睡眠時由各個感測器所量測到之生理訊號,當日常生活中不需量測也可當作一般手錶作顯示時間使用;後端方面會將這些生理參數傳輸至電腦端作一個簡易的顯示以便醫護人員作分析,並且將這些資料儲存於資料庫方便日後病歷資料的調閱。


Poor quality of sleep is a modern common disease, patients will be lethargic in their daily routines, and the chances of suffering from cardiovascular-related diseases will be even higher than the average person. But the patients themselves do not know suffering from this disease, so how to effectively found that immediate treatment of these patients and is an important way. The current situation, PSG (Polysomnography, PSG) is a better measurement method, but there was expensive equipment, measurement over wires and medical manpower disadvantages such as an excessive burden. So at home sleep measurement is a better way, this method simplifies the measurement signal to enable patients to receive in their own measurements, so that subjects can be more comfortable for inspection. The purpose of this study is to design a short-range wireless portable sleep detection system, the application include the Sleep quality and sleep apnea syndrome. The patient can wear this system on the sleep to collect physiological signal by the various sensors, when system in daily life can also be shown as a time-use. After measurement, these physiological parameters for transmission to the GUI display and analysis by doctor. This data will store in the database, it is more convenient when doctor search a case history in the future.


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