  • 學位論文


A Study On Japanese Learners’ Using Chinese Adjectival "De" Structure-Base on Learners Corpus

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


虛詞「的」是漢語中使用頻率最高的詞彙,「的」也是定語形式上的標誌,然而,教學上並不會針對「的」定語特性或「的」的隱現原因多加說明,使得學習者不易精確地掌握「的」定語使用方式。   本論文主要研究日籍學習者「的」字定語使用情況。利用台灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫—華語語料庫建置及應用研究(Construction and Applications of Chinese Corpora)語料庫(簡稱台師大語料庫)所收集日本學習者使用「的」字定語的語料進行分析。將學習者對各類定語的使用情況及所呈現的偏誤加以統計、歸類,並探討偏誤成因。另一方面,將偏誤語料製成問卷,以華語母語者為受測對象,調查日籍學習者「的」字定語偏誤句是否會影響華語母語者對句子的理解,以及當母語者面對偏誤語料時,又會如何判斷「的」字定語的使用。   本研究希望能從學習者「的」定語的偏誤成因、母語者對學習者定語偏誤句的理解度以及母語者對偏誤句「的」定語的使用判斷情形,藉由學習者與母語者之間對「的」字處置的差異,提出相關的教學建議,以提升學習者掌握「的」定語的使用能力。


Chinese functional word "de” is not only the most frequently used, but also is taken as a symbol of adjectival structure in sentences. However, the attributive word “de” is not considered as a teaching point to get more explanation individually in most Chinese text books. Therefore, learners have more difficulty in using the “de” structure accurately. This is a study on Japanese learners’ using Chinese adjectival “de” structure. This thesis is comprised of two main parts. The 1st part is focused on, how Japanese learners use the word “de” structure by analyzing interlanguage data from the Construction and Applications of Chinese Corpora. A statistical analysis, classification and explanation of the errors caused (omission of “de”, addition of “de”, wrong replacement of “de” and “de” in wrong place, combined errors) been discussed. The 2nd part is focused on, whether the Japanese learners using sentences containing errors, will interact negatively with the Chinese native speakers to understand the sentences through a questionnaire, and how they react regarding “de” structure. This study was conducted to analyse the Japanese learners error and the comparision of Chinese native speakers regarding the different usage of “de” structure. Taking in account the differences and giving the teaching suggestion to assist Japanese learners’ in using Chinese “de” structure proficiently.


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