  • 學位論文


Classroom Lighting Optimization Assessment Study

指導教授 : 張謙允


台灣地區照明用電量約佔全部用電的兩成左右,由於學校用電時間是屬於電力系統的用電尖峰時間,若能從學校教室照明部分著手改善,對節能具有相當程度的助益。除了節能外,教室照明品質影響學生視力甚鉅,更是不可忽略的課題;因此,如何在兼顧節能與照明品質的條件下,評選出適合一般上課教室的最佳照明燈具,值得探討。 本研究選定十一組具備不同配光曲線的國內外燈具,以平均照度550±50Lux為基準,將燈具配置在三種不同高度的模擬普通教室中,應用DIALux照明軟體進行教室照明模擬求得照明屬性值,當作多元尺度分析的基本輸入資料,透過屬性評量分析結果,獲得不同高度下燈具之排名,成為教室照明燈具選擇之依據。研究結果顯示,燈具之排名,受高度變化影響不明顯,選用燈具中的半直接照明燈具、半間接照明燈具,以及普通教室中常用的LED山形燈具,在照明品質與節能屬性上的綜合表現最好;其中,半直接照明燈具,不僅對照明品質有極正面助益,在節能用電屬性上也有很好的表現,值得國內推廣。


Lighting electricity consumption accounts for about twenty percent of all electricity in Taiwan. Time of the electricity usually used in schools is during the peak demand hours of electricity power system. So, it will help on energy-savings by improving classroom lighting. In addition to energy-savings, classroom lighting quality affect students' eyesight very huge; therefore, how to choose classroom lampswith both high energy efficiency and good lighting quality is important. In this thesis, eleven lamps with different luminous intensity distribution curve are layouted for lighting simulation by DIALux lighting software. A testing simulation classroom was selected to be lighted by eleven test luminaires and simulated by DIALux with a average luminance of 550±50Lux be a design goal. Lighting attribute values obtained by DIALux are further more analyzed by a multidimensional scaling method (MDPREF) to get the choice ranking of classroom luminaires.The result shows that lamps’ ranking affected by the altitude change is not obvious, and the semi-direct lighting lamps, semi-indirect lighting lamps, and commonly used Yamagata LED lamps have the better performanceinlighting quality and energy efficiency.We recommend semi-direct lighting is worth promoting.


王韻嵐(2012),照明3D 模擬計算軟體之比較研究,中原大學室內設計學系碩
沈國瑞、楊梧桐(2013),會議室照明模擬之軟體應用評估,萬能學報35 期,
