  • 學位論文


Key Factors of Introducing GPS Fleet Management System for Logistics - A Case of P Transportation Company

指導教授 : 胡宜中


由於國內經濟發展與國民所得提升,整體消費模式改變,使得通路體系有極大變化,從傳統經銷商的上下游結構,轉換成由物流中心集貨的方式,將商品配送至各據點之作業模式,其中物流運輸業扮演著最關鍵的角色。全球定位車隊管理系統之技術,能夠協助運輸公司發揮綜效,監控追蹤商品配送過程,達到節能、安全、品質、管理等目標。 P集團基於供應鏈垂直整合及物流專業分工的理念,於2000年7月由旗下物流公司轉投資成立國內頗負盛名之P運輸公司,服務超過五千家以上的集團門市。為了服務全國最大的物流體系並提供完善的全溫層物流支援,快速供應全國所有門市。P運輸公司為提升企業的競爭力,以達成集團賦予任務,視企業社會責任為使命,確保行車安全、食品配送品質、節能省碳等目標,透過智慧型運輸車隊管理系統導入來創造企業更高的運作效能,但往往不盡人意,P公司近年來不斷致力於智慧型車隊管理系統的導入,然皆無法順利成功導入,已投入測試與導入的成本已超過千萬元,主要的導入失敗原因包括(1) 組織對於系統導入成本與創新變革的抗拒 (2)資訊科技不斷推陳出新 (3)專案推動成員缺乏專業與經驗 (4)客戶型態多元及作業面複雜系統開發不易。 P運輸公司於2014年重新評選廠商,目前正處於系統導入階段。為避免重蹈失敗之路,引發本研究探討物流運輸業導入全球定位車隊管理系統關鍵因素之動機,過去未有針對智慧型車隊管理系統導入因素的相關研究,本研究使用決策實驗分析法為基礎的網路分析程序法評估各準則間之相對重要程度,找出關鍵準則及準則之間的因果關係。 本研究結果顯示:「高階主管的支持」、「使用者的認同」、「經費與預算」、「專案團隊組成」、「資訊的即時與正確性」、「傳輸設備的完善度」、「顧問的經驗與能力」等為導入之關鍵因素,而「高階主管的支持」也是P公司首要改善的對象,因果圖顯示「高階主管的支持」會高度影響其他的關鍵因素,這顯示高階主管的支持能有效改善其他關鍵因素的績效。說明如下: 1.對「經費與預算」的影響:預算編列皆是由高階主管掌握,因此只有高階主管的支持才可獲得充足的經費。 2.對「顧問的經驗與能力」的影響:高階主管對於系統供應廠商的評選有其特殊的考量與喜好,通常會選擇大型企業,而大型企業通常也會有比較好的經與能力。 3.對「專案團隊組成」的影響:高階主管掌握人事的主導權,對於專案成員的組成有相當大的幫助,有助於各項專才人員的跨門支援協助。 4.對「使用者的認同」的影響:在高階主管支持與要求下,各部門皆視為己任,層層要求下,可避免員工面對組織變革所產生的抗拒心態。 5.對「資訊的即時與正確性」的影響:在高階主管支持下,各部門主管自然也會要求同仁準時交付資訊與資料的正確性。 6.對「高階主管的支持」的影響:系統導入需要龐大的經費,企業資源有限,首要就是達到營業額與淨利目標以達到股東滿意,因此經費與預算的考量也將影響到高階主管支持。 7.對「傳輸設備的完善度」的影響:傳輸設備的完善度取決於投入經費的多寡,經費投入越多設備及可越完善。 研究結果與本公司目前導入全球定位車隊管理系統現況相符,因此可做為P公司以及同業導入系統的重要參考。


The domestic economic development and GDP increase change consuming mode in Taiwan, making the pathway system greatly change. The traditional structure of the up distributors to down distributors turns out to be the mode that logistics center converted into a set of goods,and the delivery of goods to the specific place. Logistics and transportation sector plays the most crucial role. Technology of GPS fleet management system that can help transport company effectively, monitoring the track commodity distribution process for achieving objectives. President Chain Store Corp is a vertically integrated supply chain based on the concept of specialization and logistics, in July 2000, the company's logistics and transportation company invested founded P,which services more than five thousand points. In order to serve the country's largest logistics system and provide comprehensive logistics support full stratosphere, fast supply all outlets nationwide. Thus P is committed to promoting transportation company continued operations and systems of the imported e to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, in order to achieve given the task group, depending on the mission of corporate social responsibility to ensure road safety, food distribution quality, energy-saving and carbon targets I hope to import through the system to create higher performance of business operations, but often unsatisfactory, P company in the last few years constantly worked to import intelligent fleet management systems are not successfully. P companies has been put into testing and import costs more than NTD ten million Dollars, corporating with more than dozens of test manufacturers. This year, the P company re-selected vendors, P transport company is currently in the system implementation phase. To avoid repeating a failure and to solve the problem rule of thumb, hoping to assess the relevant literature compiled by the Institute of impact assessment guidelines to identify all indicators, and DANP analysis to assess the relative importance between the various criteria to identify the system of import causal relationship between the key standards and guidelines to promote a clear direction and recommendations executives need to master the system of import points, but also as an important reference for future systems import logistics industry before. The results of this study shows that the key criteria included: "top management support", "user identity", "funding and budget" , "the project team consisting of" , real-time "information and correctness "," transmission equipment sophistication ", the experience and the ability to" consultants " of the seven key criteria to affect the import fleet management systems. Performance evaluation of the value of the company and then to the current P performance for cases companies' top management support " to enhance primary criterion for improvement. 1. Impact on "funding and budget": the budgeted are all in the hands of executives, only be allowed to support executives receive adequate funding. 2. Impact "Experience and ability consultant": The executives selection of suppliers for the system has its own special considerations and preferences, usually choose large enterprises, while large companies will usually have better been and ability. 3 Impact on "Project Team Composition": Personnel executives grasp the initiative, for the composition of the ad hoc members are a great help, help the professionals to assist support personnel across the door. 4. User Identity of influence: In the top management support and requirements, departments are depending on the mission, under layers of requirements, employees can avoid facing the organizational change resulting resist mentality. 5 For Immediate And Accuracy of Information, the impact of: the top management support, heads of departments will naturally require timely delivery of information with colleagues correctness of information. 6. Influence Executives of Support: the system requires huge funds to import limited corporate resources, the primary is to achieve a turnover and net profit target to achieve shareholder satisfaction, and therefore funding and budget considerations will also affect the top management support. 7 On the Transmission Equipment sophistication impact: improving the degree of transmission equipment depends on the amount of investment funds, equipment and more funding can be more perfect. The results and the current status of the company is currently importing GPS fleet management system in line, so can be used as an important reference for P companies and the industry to import the system.


