  • 學位論文


The study of rapid hydrogen generation in Al/H2O system

指導教授 : 王宏文


本研究利用硝酸鋁及氫氧化鈉製備實驗所需之氫氧化鋁,利用改變合成條件以求找到最佳製備條件之氫氧化鋁。 第一部份實驗證明以1:3.5 莫爾比(硝酸鋁:氫氧化鈉)且於冰浴下製備所得之氫氧化鋁藉由SEM、XRD、BET及活化能證實,所得到的氫氧化鋁(1:3.5 ratio Ice bath)其促進效果最好。 第二部分實驗系統以Al : Al(OH)3 : H2O = 3 : 15 : 50為最佳參數,用於快速產氫下,此系統產氫效率可於五分鐘內達到95% 以上,將此應用在燃料電池上,所產生之氫氣確實能使裝置發電。克服了鋁/水系統先前醞釀期過長之缺點,使未來在應用上能夠有更多發展空間。 第三部分實驗系統以Al : Al(OH)3 : H2O=1 : 1 : 200 為反應參數,用於恆溫下產氫,此系統雖反應速率較慢,但其反應過程較為溫和,而藉由添加少許的第二添加劑,使反應速度提升且系統仍維持在室溫下,對於鋁/水產氫系統能夠有更多不同面向的發展。


氫氧化鋁 氫氣 鋁水產氫系統


In this study, Al(OH)3 is synthesized using Al(NO3)3 and NaOH. By changing the synthesis conditions, i.e. Al(NO3)3/NaOH molar ratio and temperature, we are able to find the most effective Al(OH)3, a promoter for hydrogen generation of Al/water system. For the first part of this study, it is found that the Al(OH)3 which prepared by the ratio of 1 : 3.5 ratio ( Al(NO3)3 : NaOH ) and reacted in the ice bath had the best promoting effect in the Al/H2O system. And the Al(OH)3 has characterized by SEM,XRD,BET. The activation energies for hydrogen generation of Al/water using every Al(OH)3 have been calculated. The second part of this study, we used Al : Al(OH)3 : H2O = 3 : 15 : 50 as the reacting system is carried out without temperature control. Nearly 100% yield of hydrogen can be generation within 5 minutes. And the pH value plays an important role in the system . We also apply the Al/H2O system as a power source to a 2W full cell, it indeed worked. The third part of this study, a second promoter was added in the solution using Al:Al(OH)3:H2O=1:1:200 reacting system, which the temperature is controlled using a water bath. The purpose is to find out another promoter to speed up the reaction. However, all second promoters we tested in this study depressed the effectiveness of Al(OH)3, making the hydrogen generation rate slower. However, a different aspect of application of this inhibition effect has been discussed.


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