  • 學位論文


Intrinsic Quality of Interior Design:The Study of the Domesticity in Home Space

指導教授 : 陳其澎


我們的居住空間,所謂三房兩廳的格局,在進行室內設計規劃時,容易著重於機能與造型的考量,因而產生忽視人性意義的缺失,居家空間的使用者是人,空間主要提供使用者進行居家性的活動。坊間充斥討論居家空間設計的完工照片,美麗的照片,像是刻意營造的生活場景,沒有人生活的氣味,缺少一份親密感與舒適感。 這種親密感與舒適感是一種空間氛圍,這種特質讓家成為一個場所。透過詩、文字敘述的描寫以及繪畫、攝影與電影等文本的探索,捕捉對於日常生活的描述,重現當時居家的樣貌,從根本的日常生活中找尋居家空間的本質。 舒適的居住空間,是人人生活中共同追求的目標,然而,「舒適」原本指的不是享樂或滿意之意,其拉丁字根原意為「強化、慰藉、支撐」,直到近代才衍生有安逸、舒服之意。設計相關從業人員,協助改善居家空間趨於舒適,而這份所謂的舒適,若能在硬體更新與使用機能的改善之外,創造出具有歸屬感的場所,讓人在空間中實踐居家生活,使之身安、心安進而達到植居,便是室內設計本質的意義。 室內設計產業從宏觀角度來看,是可以幫助人重整、改善與再生生活,具備人文關懷的特質,而室內設計師不僅是空間具體化的執行者、通達多種工程的協調者,更是創造室內空間居家性的重要推手。


室內設計 居家性 場所 植居 日常生活


In planning living spaces in a so-called house plan of three bedrooms, one living room and one dining area, the focus is usually on form and function, neglecting the significance of humanity—humans are the users of home spaces, in which domestic activities take place. There are numerous interior design photos being discussed. The exquisite settings are intentionally designed living scenes, with no signs of being actually lived in, lacking intimacy and comfort. The atmosphere of intimacy and comfort makes a home into a place. This study extracts the descriptions of daily life found in poetry, narrative, paintings, photography and movies, from which the looks of homes are recreated, and searches for the intrinsic quality of home spaces in daily lives. A comfortable living space is a common goal for all people to pursue. However, “comfortable”, in Latin confortāre, didn’t mean “to please” or “to satisfy”, but rather “to strengthen”, “to console” and “to support.” It didn’t get its meaning of “ease and coziness” until recent times. Professionals in the industry of interior design help improve home spaces to a comfortable state. In addition to hardware renewal and functional improvements, the meaning of intrinsic quality of interior design lies in creating a place where people, through practices of everyday life, develop a sense of belonging, gain physical and psychological securities, until they finally dwell in that place. In a broad sense, the interior design industry, with a humanistic trait, helps humans reconstruct, improve and reform their lives. And interior designers not only carry out the concepts of space, coordinate between different types of works, and are the most important driving force to create domesticity in home spaces.


daily life place interior design dwelling domesticity


Martian Heidegger著,彭富春譯(1991)《詩.語言.思》(Poetry, language, thought),
Marcel Proust著,李恒基,徐繼曾等譯(1992)《追憶似水年華》(A la Recherche du temps perdu),台北:聯經
Donlyn Lyndon, Charles W. Moore合著,郭英釗譯(2000)《透視空間奧秘》(Chambers for a memory palace),台北:創興出版


