  • 學位論文


The Study of the Critical Success Factor in Taiwan Bridal Photography Tourism

指導教授 : 吳英偉


交通觀光局推出的「2008-2009旅行臺灣年」計劃中,提出六種不同主題旅遊活動,其中「沙龍攝影與蜜月旅行」,是將旅行與婚紗攝影結合成為新的主題旅遊型態,把臺灣的婚紗旅遊推向國際舞臺。臺灣婚紗旅遊被海外新人關注,每年平均至少吸引5,000對新人,前來臺灣進行婚紗旅遊,臺灣的婚紗攝影品質無人能比,從西元2000年許多業者開始拓展海外市場,讓臺灣婚紗產業在國際市場佔有一席之地,同時建立臺灣婚紗攝影品牌,不僅吸引香港、澳門、日本、新加坡及馬來西亞新人前來旅遊並拍攝婚紗,名聲更遠播到中國大陸,讓臺灣擁有「婚紗王國」之美譽。 發展婚紗旅遊關鍵成功因素是值得被探究,因此本研究目的為:一、探討臺灣婚紗旅遊之發展。二、探討臺灣婚紗旅遊關鍵成功因素。三、提供研究結果給婚紗業者在實務面經營管理策略之參考,進而達成企業目標。 婚紗旅遊為臺灣較新穎的主題旅遊型態,為了使資料能夠較為深入且豐富,本研究採用質性研究當中深度訪談法,與婚紗業者面對面深入訪談以及二回合專家德爾菲問卷,結合業者提供相關資料與德爾菲專家問卷結果,進行分析整理,建構出臺灣發展婚紗旅遊關鍵成功因素,本研究結果發現,臺灣婚紗旅遊「資源環境」、「旅遊環境」、「經營管理」及「公部門支持參與」四項構面中,擁有許多臺灣婚紗旅遊之關鍵因素,也影響臺灣婚紗旅遊未來之發展,這些持續吸引海外新人造訪,關鍵成功因素為臺灣自然環境豐富、旅遊環境多元化及便利性高、臺灣婚紗品質享譽國際、價格經濟實惠及婚紗業者貼心專業服務與海外行銷推廣等關鍵因素。最後,針對研究管理意涵與未來可行之學術研究議題提出相關建議,充實婚紗旅遊相關研究。


The new theme tourism, “Salon Photography and Honeymoon”, six types of theme tourism in “Years of Traveling Taiwan in 2008 and 2009”, proposed by the Tourism Bureau R.O.C., combines bridal photography with traveling which can boost Taiwan bridal photography tourism into the international stage. In addition, many new couples from foreign countries who are going to get married increasingly pay attention to bridal photography tourism in Taiwan. There are five thousand new couples per year are fascinated with the Taiwanese bridal photography tourism, and they would travel in Taiwan for their bridal photography. The business in the Taiwan bridal industries have expanded the oversea market from year 2000, which have brought the Taiwanese bridal industries into the international markets and created the well-known brand for Taiwan bridal photography. Not only attract people from Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia but also have an excellent reputation in Mainland China. In short, the quality of bridal photography in Taiwan is top ranked, and Taiwan enjoys the “Kingdom of Bridal Photography” as a fine reputation. As aspect of the Critical Success Factor to developing bridal photography tourism is worthy to be studied. This study aimed at exploring the evolution of Taiwanese bridal photography tourism, investigating the Critical Success Factor of Taiwanese bridal photography tourism, and providing the research results to the practitioners in bridal industries for the management strategies which can approach the company prospects. Bridal tourism is the new theme tourism in Taiwan. In order to collect the data in depth and abundantly, this study will adopt the in-depth interview of qualitative research method which included interviewing with the practitioners in bridal industries and implement the surveys with Delphi Method twice. By collecting the pertinent information from the interviews and the results from the surveys with Delphi Method, this study constructed the Critical Success Factor of the bridal photography tourism in Taiwan. Results of study revealed that the four aspects, environmental resources, travel environment, business management, and the supporting from the public departments, include many critical factors and affect the future developing of the bridal photography tourism in Taiwan. Also, the abundant natural environment, the diversified and convenient tour plans, highest quality in bridal photography, reasonable price, excellent service given by the practitioners, and international marketing were the critical success factors to keep attracting the new couples from foreign countries to visiting Taiwan. Finally, it could be the suggestions with the results aimed at this study for management and future research enriching the study of bridal photography tourism.




