  • 學位論文


A Study of Indonesian’s Country Image and Purchase Intentions of Taiwanese Cuisine

指導教授 : 鄭駿豪


隨著台灣政府積極地推廣台灣美食,使台灣美食在世界各地快速的發展,同時亦將台灣美食國際化。 以印尼為例,在過去十年間印尼人開始接觸與熟悉台灣美食,而近五年來在印尼已經隨處可見台灣美食,表示台灣美食已經成為印尼當地廣為受到歡迎的料理。然而,消費者對不同文化的美食擁有不一樣的國家形象與美食的認知,其會影響消費者消費傾向。因此,本研究使用迴歸分析,探討台灣國家形象及美食認知對消費傾向之影響。由於本研究主要目的之一在了解外國人士對台灣美食的消費傾向,而全球的台灣移民者人數最多的地方在印尼,故選定印尼之當地居民為研究樣本,台灣移民者則不在研究範圍內。本研究採滾雪球抽樣方法,利用網路問卷網站之連結網址透過電子郵件發送給印尼當地居民填寫以蒐集研究樣本。網路調查時間為2013年2月15日至3月30日。本研究結果發現,國家形象對消費傾向具最大影響效果。此外,美食認知中的「味道和獨特性」、「外觀」及「健康有關的特性」亦會影響消費者對台灣美食的消費傾向。


It is known that Taiwanese cuisine has always been internationally promoted. This is the reason why Taiwanese cuisine is growing rapidly, in this matter, including Indonesia. In last few decades, Taiwanese cuisines already rooted in Indonesia, yet in these last 5 years, it becomes irresistibly popular. Therefore, this study attempts to thoroughly investigate Indonesians’ perceptions and country image toward Taiwanese cuisine, altogether with the intentions in making future purchase. Samples were collected from the online survey link and snowball sampling via email during February 15th to March 30th, 2013. A total of 276 samples are collected and 265 are valid. Particularly, the results clearly demonstrate that the country image has a big impact on the reason of consuming Taiwanese cuisine. In addition to that, the cuisine flavor and uniqueness, appearance and health-concerned characteristic also contribute to influence consumers.


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