  • 學位論文


An Optimal Timing and Target Ability of Merger and Acquisitions for the Development of Performance Evaluation for FHCs

指導教授 : 郭憲章




This research mainly constructs the dimensions of merger and acquisition’s timing ability as well as target selection ability in order to evaluate for the relationship between the two ability and financial holding companies’ performance .We also investigate whether or not these valuables such as CAMEL, diversification, free cash flow, size, ownership, and macroeconomics are factors that effect both ability dimensions and further impact on financial holding company’s performance. This paper selects a panel data from fourteen financial holding companies in Taiwan and set for the period from first quarter in 2002 to second quarter in 2007.We find evidence that improves quality of assets and increases in diversification as well as liquidities are associated with better performance after merger and acquisition within financial holding companies .Financial holding company owns more current assets and engages in more diversified activities and then its excess returns of target ability from merger and acquisition will increase. However, quality of assets will effect on excess return of optimal timing ability positively after merger and acquisition .The smaller size the FHC is the more excess return of merger and acquisition ability is. FHC owns more free cash flow then will improve its excess return of merger and acquisition’s target and optimal timing ability. GDP is positive associated with excess returns of merger and acquisition target ability significantly. Moreover, this paper further investigate whether or not the impact of both dimensions on financial holding company’s performance. However, it exhibits that financial holding company has better merger and acquisition’s timing ability as well as target selection ability and then will improve its performance.


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